Jesus' Coming Back

DON’T DO IT: Paul Ryan’s Secret Amnesty Plan Comes Less Than Month After DACA Illegal Alien Accused of Murder

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s closed-door announcement of slipping amnesty for nearly 800,000 illegal aliens covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program into an end-of-the-year spending deal comes less than a month after a DACA recipient has been accused of murder.

Ryan, according to members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), is planning to put together a spending deal that includes giving amnesty to the DACA illegal aliens, as Breitbart News reported.

“He did talk about the fact that that would be good if we could get ahead of that as opposed to being reactionary,” RSC Chairman Mark Walker (R-NC) told the HuffPost following the meeting with Ryan.

Two House Republicans confirmed to the HuffPost that Ryan mentioned at the gathering slipping DACA amnesty into the spending deal.

Ryan’s leaking of a secret plan to attach amnesty to a spending bill comes less than a month after Breitbart News confirmed that a DACA recipient allegedly murdered a high school student in South Carolina.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links to related stories below:

Paul Ryan Plans to Slip DACA Amnesty into Spending Deal

Paul Ryan Tells Conservatives DACA Will Be Part Of Spending Deal

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