Duck Dynasty Stars Make Hotel Cleaning Woman’s Day with Act of Kindness
Stars of Duck Dynasty Phil and Kay Robertson recently reached out in an act of kindness while they were on a trip to Washington D.C. and New York City.
Kay Robertson explained what happened in a video uploaded to Phil Robertson’s Facebook page:
“I went to find the lady that cleaned my room … and I found her and she thought she was in trouble. But I said, ‘No, I just want to give you something’ and I gave her something and then I gave her a big hug and I kissed her on the cheek.”
The hotel cleaning woman was overcome with emotion at Miss Kay’s act of kindness. Then Miss Kay discovered that “In her 14 years working there she had never been hugged by a customer.”
This act of kindness not only made the woman’s day, but it gave the Robertsons an opportunity to share the Gospel with her, according to
“I got a piece of paper and I drew an arrow coming down out of heaven … I said, ‘Two thousand seventeen years ago, year one, God came down in flesh.’ She said, ‘Really?’” Phil recalled. “I said, ‘Yup … he died on the cross for all of our sins, yours and mine. And they put him in a tomb, three days later he resurrected from the dead, he came back to life.’”
The woman said she believed in this Good News and the Robertsons encouraged her to continue in the faith and to read Scripture.
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Publication date: October 31, 2017
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