Jesus' Coming Back

US Senators: Pakistan Should Be Designated ‘Country of Particular Concern’

(World Watch Monitor) Pakistan should be designated a “country of particular concern” because of its violations of religious freedom, according to a group of influential US senators.

Senators Bob Menendez, Marco Rubio, Chris Coons, Todd Young, Jeff Merkley and James Lankford wrote to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson ahead of the Nov. 13 deadline by which the State Department needs to notify Congress on its country of particular concern (CPC) designations.

Their joint letter said: “Pakistan continues to perpetrate and tolerate systematic, ongoing and egregious religious freedom violations. Discriminatory constitutional provisions and laws, including the country’s blasphemy and anti-Ahmadiyya measures, continue to result in the unjust prosecution and imprisonment of individuals due to their faith.”

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