Jesus' Coming Back

Ralph Northam Can’t Answer Why Former VA Dem. Gov. Doug Wilder Will Not Endorse Him

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam could not explain on Friday why former Virginia Democratic governor Doug Wilder will not endorse him.

Wilder blamed Northam for excluding Justin Fairfax from the Northam campaign flier, which caused controversy in October.

Wilder endorsed Lt. gubernatorial candidate Justin Fairfax but declined to endorse Ralph Northam.

Wilder endorsed Justin Fairfax in an interview, “Justin, in my judgment has not been dealt a good hand.”

Wilder also claimed that Ralph Northam should take the blame for the flier controversy, in which the Northam campaign excluded black Lt. gubernatorial candidate Justin from their fliers. Fairfax’s exclusion caused controversy among liberal and progressive Virginia Democrat groups. Democracy for America denounced the Ralph Northam campaign for the campaign flier faux pas and for Ralph Northam flip-flopping in favor of banning sanctuary cities.

“If I’m the candidate for governor, I’m responsible for whatever takes place in my campaign,” Wilder said.

MSNBC host Katy Tur asked Northam why Wilder will not endorse him for governor.

Tur asked, “You say you’re unified, but at the same time Doug Wilder isn’t endorsing you. There’s some division within Virginia. Are you really that confident?”

Northam responded, “I am confident, and you know, Doug Wilder is a good friend of mine. He was a great governor.

Tur retorted, “So why is he not endorsing you?”

Northam then admitted, “Well that’s up to Governor Wilder, and he’ll make that decision at the appropriate time.”

Ralph Northam’s campaign continues to drown in controversy as Virginia campaign finance reports revealed that the Northam campaign coordinated with the Latino Victory Fund to push a “sickening” ad that featured an Ed Gillespie supporter attempting to run down minority children. Democrats across the nation and in the state of Virginia remain increasingly worried about Northam’s chances of winning the gubernatorial election.

President Donald Trump tweeted that he believes Ed Gillespie “will be a great governor of Virginia.”

Trump said, “Ed Gillespie will turn the really bad Virginia economy #’s around, and fast. Strong on crime, he might even save our great statues/heritage!”

Breitbart News reported that recent polls have Ed Gillespie leading over Ralph Northam for governor. The election is on Tuesday, November 7.

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