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Kassam: McConnell’s DACA Amnesty Plan Will Hand the House of Representatives to Democrats, Ripe for Impeachment Attempts

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell this morning told Hugh Hewitt on MSNBC that amnesty for the recipients of the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals could form part of a deal with the Democrats, in exchange for things such as scrapping the Diversity Visa programme.

“Republicans are not necessarily opposed to that,” replied McConnell, when Hewitt asked if there is a “compromise” to be had on DACA in exchange for “some border security” and “some additional vetting from people from suspect countries”.

“Yeah, I think so,” said McConnell, adding, “I think there ought to be something related to making the American legal immigration system better, achieved along with DACA”.

While he attempted to channel President Trump in his response, the plan revealed during the campaign had no such “compromises” built in — in fact there is zero wiggle-room when it comes to amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“Day One, my first hour in office, those people are gone,” candidate Trump told the Phoenix rally following his meeting with Mexican President Pena Nieto.

McConnell critics believe the new Republican plan to sneak DACA amnesty through would effectively hand the House of Representatives to the Democrats in 2018, leading to an impeachment push by potential Democrat House leadership.

In comments to the Remembrance Project today, Breitbart News Executive Chairman told a room of supporters, “It’s obvious to everyone that we are going to have to take over the Republican Party”.

He added that Republicans would almost certainly lose the House of Representatives if they sneak DACA in, and that leads to the impeachment of the President.

The theory goes that a lack of enthusiasm amongst Republican voters who oppose DACA amnesty would lead to massive attrition across the nation — no show voters, or even those perhaps wanting to give the Republicans a kicking voting for a different party’s candidate.

Evidence from the 2010 election in the United Kingdom backs this theory up.

Almost a dead cert for Prime Minister, David Cameron managed to avoid winning a parliamentary majority by tackling left at the end of his campaign, focusing on “green” issues, and trying to win over left-leaning Guardian readers instead of focusing on the conservative base.

As a thank you, conservative voters stayed home, or voted for a different party such as the UK Independence Party, a trend which continued all the way through to 2015.

Mr. Cameron didn’t get a majority, and was forced to govern in coalition with Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats. As a result, almost no conservative legislation was passed, as the government ended up focusing on tangential issues such as same sex marriage and a referendum on the alternative voting system.

President Trump and Republican leadership would do well to learn the lessons of Mr. Cameron’s failures, and instead of attempting to sneak in DACA amnesty, use every opportunity to attempt to pass more border security measures — wall funding, e-Verify plans, and the deportation of criminal illegal aliens which were supposed to be “Day One” measures.

Raheem Kassam is the Editor in Chief of Breitbart London

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