At Least 27 People Reported Dead in Texas Church Shooting – Gunman Killed by Police
A mass casualty shooting near San Antonio, Texas, left up to 27 people dead and dozens injured. Reports from Sutherland Springs, Texas, indicate that multiple people have been taken to area hospitals. The gunman is reported to be dead after deputies cornered him about five miles from the scene.
Update 6:08 p.m.: KENS 5 tweeted an interview with a witness who described watching his neighbor engage the suspect with a gun. The suspect fled the scene following the encounter with the neighbor.
A neighbor living near Sutherland Springs church describes how his neighbor engaged the suspect, causing him to flee
— KENS 5 (@KENS5) November 5, 2017
Update 5:55 p.m.: Texas Department of Public Safety Region 6 Director Freeman Martin told reporters during a press conference that a local resident engaged the shooter with his own weapon. Devin Kelley then dropped his Ruger AR-15 rifle and got in his car to leave. The resident pursued Kelley’s vehicle until it crashed. Police found Kelley dead inside his vehicle. It is not clear if he shot himself or if the resident shot him, Martin stated.
Martin said the suspect (officials did not use Kelley’s name during the press conference) got out of his vehicle at a Valero gas station across the street from the church. He opened fire after crossing the street and fired from two locations outside the church. He then entered the church and shot again. Martin stated the suspect was dressed in all black tactical gear including a ballistic vest.
He identified the weapon used as a Ruger AR-15 rifle.
Martin confirmed 26 people were killed by the shooter, not including the shooter. Of those, two died outside the church, 23 died inside the church, and one died after being transported to a hospital.
While Martin could not disclose the names of the deceased, he said they ranged in age from five-years-old to 72-years-old.
Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt told reporters “Don’t say it should have never happened because it does happen.”
Wilson County District Attorney Audry stated the threat to the community is over and thanked the media for helping get that information out to the public.
Update 5:32 p.m.: CBS News reports Devin Kelley received a dishonorable discharge from the Air Force after being court-martialed in May 2014. The report states it is unclear if Kelley died from a self-inflicted wound or if police shot him.
Update 5:30 p.m.: The Daily Mail reports the following about Kelley:
San Antonio police raided Kelley’s home on Sunday evening, with K9 and bomb squad units.
Kelley, who was reportedly married, had recently posted a photo of an AR-15 style gun on his Facebook page with the caption: ‘She’s a bad b***h.’
A LinkedIn account which appears to be Kelley’s states that he joined the US Air Force after graduating New Braunfels High School in 2009. He worked in logistics and supply in the Air force until 2013, when he left and volunteered as a teacher for Bible studies at Kingsville First Baptist Church.
Update 5:21 p.m.: Harris County Precinct 4 Constable Deputy George Scoggins posted on Facebook, a link to the criminal history of Devin Patrick Kelley, who is reported to be the killer in the Sutherland Springs church shooting. The posted report claims Kelley was arrested in Mobile County, Alabama in July 2013, for possession of Marijuana.
Update 5:16 p.m.: The Daily Mail reports police have identified the shooter as Devin Patrick Kelley, 26. The report says he is married and is said to be an Air Force veteran and a Bible study teacher. He is reportedly from New Braunfels, Texas.
Update 4:45 p.m.: Fox News is reporting on air about an ABC report that the shooter is a white male in his 20’s. He is is reported to not be from the community but lives in a town near San Antonio. The report states the man displayed an AR-15 on his Facebook page.
UPDATE 4:40 p.m.: KSAT reports from witnesses state the gunman wore a mask and full gear. The witnesses stated the gunman opened fire outside the church before going in. One of the witnesses reportedly returned fire on the gunman as he left the church. The shots reportedly hit the gunman who then got back into his vehicle and left the scene.
Update 4:35 p.m.: Assisting the Texas Rangers in the investigation are the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, the FBI, Homeland Security Investigations, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
Update 4:31 p.m.: A Twitter user claiming to be a pastor says he is going to “politicize the shit out of the #TEXASSHOOTING.”
As a pastor and one who has seen the effects of gun violence up close and personal, I am going to politicize the shit out of the #TEXASSHOOTING.
— ARTOODEE2 2017 (@R2D2_Resist) November 5, 2017
Update 4:26 p.m.: The Daily Mail reports that the gunman is not from the community of Sutherland Springs according to witnesses. One witness said the gunman entered the church “in full gear” and then opened fire.
Update 4:16 p.m.: Police are searching the home of the Sutherland Springs church shooter. The San Antonio Express-News reports that a K-9 has been sent to the home of the shooter to search for explosives. No information has been provided about the shooter’s identity or the location of his home.
Update 4:03 p.m.: Early coverage from KSAT’s Max Massey:
This is the scene of the shooting st the church
— Max Massey (@MaxMasseyTV) November 5, 2017
Update 3:50 p.m.: Fox News reports that Governor Greg Abbott is in route to the Sutherland Springs church shooting.
Update 3:38 p.m.: KSAT reports that Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez Jr. said the shooter fled the scene in a vehicle and is dead after a short police pursuit.
Update 3:30 p.m.: Family members are tweeting concerns about their loved ones not answering phone calls after the shooting.
My aunt Leticia doesn’t answer her cell phone, I’m very worried about her. RT to broadcast her photo. HELP ME PLEASE! #SutherlandSprings
— Masio Caraglio (@MasioRenace) November 5, 2017
My brother, Felipe García; He was in #SutherlandSprings when the shooting happened, we still do not know if he is alive or dead. ¡Help me!
— Adrián (@saampieri) November 5, 2017
Update 3:24 p.m.: Sutherland First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy told ABC News his 14-year-old daughter is one of the shooting victims. Annabelle “was one very beautiful special child,” Pomeroy told ABC News. The pastor was in Oklahoma on Sunday instead of being at the service with his family. He said that everyone who died are all close friends.
Update 3:17 p.m.: KSAT reports a witness claims to have seen the shooter enter the church and open fire on the crowd:
BREAKING: witness reported seeing a man walk into First Baptist Church and start shooting around 11:30 am Sunday. #churchshooting #ksatnews
— KSAT 12 (@ksatnews) November 5, 2017
Update 3:15 p.m.: Video screenshot of the scene where police shot the Sutherland Springs Baptist Church gunman:

KENS5 Video Screenshot of scene where police reportedly shot and killed the gunman from the Sutherland Springs church.
Update 3:10 p.m.: KENS5 reports victims are being transported to University Hospital in San Antonio in addition to the other hospitals reported earlier.
Update 3:07 p.m.: Reports indicate that Texas Rangers are taking the lead on the investigation at this time. A press conference is scheduled for the near future. FBI officials are expected to release a statement shortly.
Update 3:05 p.m.: Amanda Mosel told the San Antonio Express-News that the gunman gunned down her 13-year-old goddaughter.
U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, told the local newspaper: “Terrible news coming out of Sutherland Springs, TX. I’m monitoring developments and am praying for the shooting victims.”
Update 3:00 p.m.: Fox News reports that sheriff’s deputies cornered the shooter about 5 miles from the scene. They eventually shot and killed the gunman.
Update 2:57 p.m.: KSAT reports the death toll has risen to 27 with at least 30 people wounded. Witnesses from the town say that normal attendance for the 11 a.m. Sunday service is about 50 people. Some of the wounded were evacuated to Brooke Army Medical Center om Sam Antonio via helicopter.
Update 2:55 p.m.: Friends and family members gather in prayer outside the Sutherland Springs Baptist Church:
Friends and family member praying outside of Sutherland Springs Church.
May God be with them all.
— The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle) November 5, 2017
Update 2:50 p.m.: Twitter user CJ Pearson speaks out against the left’s politicization of the shooting before any facts are known.
Today’s tragedy in #SutherlandSprings is downright gut wrenching. The Left’s politicization of this tragedy is downright disgusting.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) November 5, 2017
Update 2:45 p.m.: Video of church member discussing the community:
Sutherland Springs eyewitness shows incredible resolve after mass shooting: “The Bible tells us that we overcome evil with good.”
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) November 5, 2017
Update 2:41 p.m.: Wilson County Commissioner Larry Wiley confirmed to Fox News that he heard that children are among the dead. The gunman has reportedly been shot and killed by police.
Update 2:40 p.m.: Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts immediately politicized the shooting, tweeting:
Why such different responses to two incidents of terrorism in America?
Sutherland Springs
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) November 5, 2017
Update 2:35 p.m.: President Donald Trump tweeted from his Asian trip the following message:
May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI & law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2017
Senator Ted Cruz tweeted:
Keeping all harmed in Sutherland Springs in our prayers and grateful for our brave first responders on the scene.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 5, 2017
Update 2:33 p.m.: US News tweeted that 27 people are dead and 30 have been wounded in the Sutherland Springs church shooting.
27 people killed after gunman opens fire at Texas church, reports say
Update 2:30 p.m.: KENS5 reports that children are among the wounded at the church shooting. One of the children is reported to have been a two-year-old.
Update 2:23 p.m.: Wilson County confirmed that as many as 25 people have been killed after a gunman walked into a Texas Baptist church and opened fire, the San Antonio Express-News reported.
Update 2:15 p.m.: Texas Governor Greg Abbott sends the following message of condolence to those killed and wounded in the Sutherland Springs shooting:
While the details of this horrific act are still under investigation, Cecilia and I want to send our sincerest thoughts and prayers to all those who have been affected by this evil act. I want to thank law enforcement for their response and ask that all Texans pray for the Sutherland Springs community during this time of mourning and loss.
Attorney General Ken Paxton also responded, stating:
“The thoughts and prayers of all Texans are with the people of Sutherland Springs as tragic reports come out of First Baptist Church. My office stands ready to assist local law enforcement as needed. Please join Angela and me as we pray for those impacted by this horrific shooting.”
Update 2:02 p.m.: A twitter user, @yolowaccordsmom, wasted no time in politicizing the shooting. She tweeted, “Trump probably praying its a Mexican a5 #sutherlandsprings to justify his wall bullshit. Sorry, its [sic] a crazy white guy with a gun.”
Trump probably praying its a Mexican at #sutherlandsprings to justify his wall bullshit. Sorry, its a crazy white guy with a gun, AGAIN.
— yoloaccordsmom (@yolowaccordsmom) November 5, 2017
UPDATE 2:00 p.m.: Connally Memorial Medical Center in Floresville, Texas, told Fox News they received multiple patients from the shooting and that doctors are working quickly to assess patients. She did not stipulate the number of patients received. Medical helicopters were reported to have transported patients from the scene.
UPDATE 1:55 p.m.: KENS5 reports police took down the gunman at the Baptist church in Sutherland Springs after he shot and killed multiple people.
The shooting occurred at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs on Sunday morning, the San Antonio Express-News reported. Sutherland Springs is located about 40 miles southeast of San Antonio. The town has less than 1,000 people in its community.
At about 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, a man walked into the church and immediately opened fire on the crowd attending the service, Fox News reported.
Wilson County Constable told Fox News that his department is working to remove bodies from the church. The number of people killed and their identities have not been released.
KSAT’s Max Massey tweeted a report that the shooter may have reloaded multiple times and that the service is usually attended by about 50 people.
Neighbors say they heard shooter may have reloaded multiple times, around 50 people usually at service
— Max Massey (@MaxMasseyTV) November 5, 2017
Massey reported that FBI investigators have arrived on the scene.
FBI just arrived on the scene. The scene is getting pushed back.
— Max Massey (@MaxMasseyTV) November 5, 2017
No description of the shooter has been released.
NBC News reports that there are multiple casualties from the shooting and that at least 15 people are injured. Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez, Jr. told NBC News the sherrif is reporting multiple fatalities. He said the shooter is “down.”
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX, GAB, and Facebook.
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