Judge Roy Moore Accuser Caught Scrubbing Anti-Moore, Anti-Trump Postings from her Facebook Page
Roy Moore accuser Caught Scrubbing Anti-Moore, Anti-Trump Postings from her Facebook Page
One of GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore’s accusers, Debbie Gibson, worked as a sign language interpreter for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
As Josh Caplan reported on Friday— Deborah Wesson Gibson, as she goes by on Facebook, supports Moore’s Democrat rival, Doug Jones.
The Washington Post did not disclose these details in their hit piece on Judge Roy Moore.
On Friday, Newsmax columnist James Hirsen tweeted the “Washington Post failed to disclose that one of Moore’s accusers was a sign language interpreter for Joe Biden and is a volunteer for Moore’s Democrat opponent.”
The Washington Post failed to disclose that one of Moore’s accusers was a sign language interpreter for Joe Biden and is a volunteer for Moore’s Democrat opponent.— James Hirsen (@thejimjams) November 10, 2017
Read the rest of the story HERE.
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