Jesus' Coming Back

Major Christian Leader Declares: ‘After So Many Massacres On Christians Have Taken Place, I Cannot Tell You How Many People Are Converting To Christianity.’

By Theodore Shoebat

A major Christian leader in Egypt, Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak, has recently said that after so many massacres in Christians, he cannot tell people how many are converting to Christianity. According to one report:

The last few years have been especially hard for the Coptic Church. The attacks in Alexandria and Tanta on Easter Sunday… the murder of 21 workers on a Libyan beach, whose bodies were recently found… or the stabbing to death of a priest are some of the most recent examples of hatred the Egyptian Christians have endured. Coptic Orthodox and Coptic Catholics are suffering this persecution together, one that nevertheless is producing surprising results.

“I don’t want to boast, but after these attacks, I couldn’t even tell you how many people have converted to Christianity. They are people who were maybe wondering about the meaning of life and of faith and, after these assaults, have decided to convert.”

The Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak, assures a change of mentality is necessary in order to stop this persecution and discrimination. Egypt contains the largest Christian community in the Middle East, and radicals know attacking these people causes instability throughout the region.

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