Jesus' Coming Back

The Government Of Syria Makes This Declaration To The United States: ‘ISIS Has Been Defeated, We Want Your Military Out Of Our Country. You Are Causing More Problems.’

By Theodore Shoe

The government of Syria has declared victory over ISIS and has asked the US to leave, stating that its military presence is causing more harm. According to one report:

The Syrian Foreign Ministry issued a firm warning to the U.S. and other foreign forces in Syria Tuesday without the approval of President Bashar al-Assad, telling them their presence was a violation of international law and accusing them of making matters worse for the war-torn country that days ago declared victory against the Islamic State militant group (ISIS).

The ministry issued the statement in direct response to remarks by Defense Secretary James Mattis, who suggested a day earlier that U.S. forces would not be leaving anytime soon. Unlike allies Russia and Iran, which intervened against Syrian insurgents and jihadis at the request of Assad, the U.S. entered the conflict without the Syrian leader’s permission and has called for his removal. With ISIS effectively defeated, the ministry urged Washington and its allies to exit immediately.

“The presence of U.S. forces or any foreign military presence in Syria without the consent of the Syrian government constitutes an act of aggression and an attack on the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic as well as a gross violation of the charter and principles of the United Nations,” the ministry quoted an official sourceas saying.

“The Syrian Arab Republic again calls for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of U.S. forces from the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. This presence is an aggression against Syria’s sovereignty and independence and will be dealt with on this basis,” the source added.

The U.S. was an early supporter of the 2011 uprising against Assad and began offering CIA support to opposition forces trying to overthrow the government. This assistance dwindled, however, as groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda became more powerful. The U.S. shifted its assistance to the Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, a mostly Kurdish alliance of Arabs and ethnic minorities, and began targeting jihadis in 2014. The embattled Syrian government declared the U.S.-led coalition’s entrance illegal.

The United States is continuing the same strategy in Syria as it was doing in the prior administration. This is because the conspiracy to destabilize Syria, as we will see, is part of a plan that was devised decades ago in a government document that was not supposed to be seen. On Thursday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that “steps are underway” to form an “international coalition” to pressure Assad out of power. While on a trip to Turkey, Tillerson said that “longer-term status of Assad would be decided by the Syrian people.” Notice the use of words: “international coalition” and pointing to the “Syrian people” as the deciders of the Assad regime’s fate. When they say that regime change will be determined by “the people,” what they really mean is, “America” under the guise of a revolt done by the masses.

This all echoes the same strategies that the US utilized under the Obama administration in Libya, wherein NATO forces supported rebels who would then physically capture, sodomize and murder Gaddafi. General McMaster just recently said in a UN meeting that “It’s very difficult to understand how a political solution results from a continuation of the Assad regime… We’re not saying that we’re the ones to effect that change.”

General McMaster

American UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, recently said, “we don’t see a peaceful Syria with Assad in there.”  Bashar al-Assad is now affirming that Trump is not doing anything against ISIS, saying:

“We haven’t seen anything concrete yet regarding this rhetoric… We have hopes that this administration… is going to implement what we have heard.”

Nikki Haley

In fact, nothing has changed from the previous administration. What changed is that many conservatives all of a sudden are on the side of the US government doing the exact same thing as the Obama administration, about which they never stopped complaining. The United States military, working with Islamic rebels and Kurds, have been deliberately preventing Syrian forces from fighting ISIS. The US government is still supporting the Islamic rebels and the Kurds, as it was doing so under the Obama administration. Even with the change in parties, the US policy in Syria has not changed. That is because in America, parties change, policy does not.


In fact, the plan to destabilize Syria was planned out decades ago. In 1986, the US government produced a plan entitled Syria: Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change.

According to the document itself, it says that the plan was “prepared by ______ Foreign Subversion and Instability Center, Office of Global Issues.”    

The US government was planning for several scenarios, but more specifically it was in favor for mass violence in Syria caused by conflict between the Sunni majority of Syria and the dominating Alawite minority, that would lead to a devastating civil war. The US government believed that “excessive government reaction” to Sunni revolts would lead to this violence and eventual civil war. It reads: 

“Tensions between Alawis [Shiites] and Sunnis have been muted in recent years, but the potential for serious communal violence remains. A Sunni rebellion in the late 1970s and early 1980s ended when Assad crushed the Muslim Brotherhood that spearheaded it. Although we judge that fear of reprisals and organizational problems make a second Sunni challenge unlikely, an excessive government reaction to minor outbreaks of Sunni dissidence might trigger large-scale unrest. In most instances the regime would have the resources to crush a Sunni opposition movement, but we believe widespread violence among the populace could stimulate large numbers of Sunni officers and conscripts to desert or mutiny, setting the stage for civil war.”      

Notice that it specifies “excessive government reaction” to Sunni outbreaks; because this is exactly what the US government focused on at the beginning of the revolution in 2011. Watch the 2011 interview between Assad and Barbara Walters, and you will see how the old Jezebel was fixated on how the Syrian government was punishing “dissidents” such as singers and protesters. It was all part of a plan devised by the US government and other powers. Also, “widespread violence amongst the populace” is exactly what took place from the beginning years to now in the Syrian revolution. 

In the same plan written by the US government, it proposes for the West to supply weapons to rebels against the Syrian regime, saying:

“A shift to a Western arms supplier also could prompt parallel efforts to seek Western financial advice and support.”

It also pushes for a plan that would replace Alawite power with Sunni power, because this shift would weaken Russia’s influence in the region:

“The continuation of Alawi dominance would be most beneficial to Soviet interests. The value of an Alawi regime to Moscow would diminish, however, if the new government fell victim to political infighting, forcing the Soviets to choose sides in a series of power struggles. If the Sunnis gained power, Moscow’s position would be weaker because of Sunni resentment of Soviet support for Alawis.”

Now look at what the US is doing: it is working to enable Sunni Turkey to expand into Alawite dominated Syria. This would help Turkish imperialism, and thus, would lead to the revival of the Ottoman Empire. The nazis of today, who lie in the upper echelons of governments, are advancing the cause of Antichrist, and as it always is, the Crescent finds an alliance with the haters of humanity. Go to history and you will see this reality. The Ottomans allied with the Protestants of Germany, the Netherlands, France and Great Britain, against Catholic Christendom. In the First World War, the Germans and the Ottomans were allies; in the Second World War, the Muslims joined the ranks of the Nazis. History is but a mirror looking at the face of the future. As it was in the past, it will reoccur in due time.

The US government plan has a section entitled “Indicators of the developing Scenario” in which it lists the situations that would lead to a full-scale revolution:

Protests and government arrests of dissidents is exactly the types of situations that the West used to make propaganda in the early stages of the revolution in 2011. I remember in those days, how most of the media was in support for the revolution against Assad. We at were amongst the few exposing the reality of how evil the revolution is, while most were buying into the propaganda that the West wanted the masses to believe in order to gain support for US policy in Syria.

The document further says that it doesn’t matter who replaces Hafiz al-Assad, the US’ policy  towards Syria will not change as long as the ruler is of the pro-Russian Alawite faction: “US standing with Syria probably would remain essentially unchanged with the emergence of a new Alawi military regime resolved to maintain the course set by Assad.” Hence why the current administration perpetuates the same stance as the prior ones.   

The document emphatically affirms: “We believe Moscow’s interests would be seriously jeopardized if Sunnis came to power through a civil war.” This is exactly what the US is now maintaining in Syria, with the American government supporting Sunni rebels and Kurdish nationalists against the Assad regime, for the purpose of ruining Russia’s leverage in the Middle East. 

What is interesting is the connection between the American policy on Syria, and the migration crises currently happening in Europe. With the devastating policies of the United States conducted in Iraq, Syria and Libya, Muslim migrants have been coming into Europe, on account of a deal done by Turkey and Germany. The absorbing of the migrants has been dramatically changing the political climate of Europe, with Britain severing itself from the EU, eugenist politicians like Geert Wilders and Mark Rutte dominating the Dutch parliament, and the Nazi sympathizing Swedish Democrats taking a substantial number of seats in the Swedish parliament.

Fascism is becoming fashionable, and its all thanks to the migration crises, which was caused by American policy in the Middle East, and facilitated by Turkey and Germany, the nations of Ottomanism and Nazism. What I am trying to say is that the nazis in suits who planned out the shift of power in the Middle East, from pan-Arabism to Islamism and Ottomanism, also understood that such plans would naturally lead to political favor towards fascism in Europe. In other words, as Western governments helped pave the path to an Arab Spring, they are also working towards a Europe spring.   


The 1986 plan for Syria was distributed, in the words of the document itself, to “The Honorable Dennis Ross, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs’ National Security Council”. Dennis Ross was the Director of Policy Planning in the State Department under President George H.W. Bush.

Dennis Ross

In June of 2016, Directors of Policy Planning from ministries of foreign affairs of Council of Europe member states met in Strasbourg to discuss the subject of migration to Europe, specifically under the title of: ‘Democratic Security in Europe: Human Rights and Security in the Context of the Current Migration Challenge’. The meeting was organized by the Director of Policy Planning, Matjaz Gruden, and was held in conjunction with the German Marshall Fund of the United States, an American think-thank focused on the political relationship between the United States and Europe.

What is interesting is that on the official website for the German Marshal Fund it acknowledges the dramatic changes in the political climate that arises from mass migration. For example, in the site’s section on migration, it reads:

“Migration is a hotly debated topic on both sides of the Atlantic and impacts elections, policymaking and public opinion on the local, national and European level.”

That a government think-tank admits that mass migration changes political climate and effects elections, shows that the European Union knew fully well the consequences that would erupt as a result of mass migration. The German Marshall Fund also is aware of the interconnection between the Iraq War and the migration crises in Europe, and affirms that this is being acknowledged by the European Union headquarters in Brussels. In a video made by the German Marshall Fund, it says:

“In Brussels, it is not uncommon to hear that today’s unprecedented refugee flows are the direct result of failed strategy toward Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the Middle East as a whole.”

The EU is aware of the correlation between the migration crises and the Iraq War. I find it difficult to believe that Germany accepted these migrants for the cause of compassion. They did so for an agenda. Germany, as I have shown before, is moving back to militarism, and they are doing so in the name of ‘fighting terrorism’ and for ‘national security’. In an article presented in January of this year, we showed a piece from a 2008 presentation made by Bernard Connolly, a global strategist for Banque AIG and AIG Trading, who worked in the Industrial Trends and Forecasting Unit of the Confederation of British Industry, and who worked for years for the European Commission in Brussels. In this presentation, Connolly showed that the EU actually wants terrorism in order to justify militarism. So I believe that there is a correlation between American policy in the Middle East and the shift in political climate in Europe.

From the presentation by Bernard Connolly


Bishop Georges Khazen, a Catholic Latin-rite priest in Aleppo, said that the Trump administration’s recent attack on Syria “opens new disturbing scenarios for all.” And this is very true. The strike against Syria is only going to further empower Turkey and will act as another catalyst for Turkish expansionism into Syria. The Americans and other Westerners are enabling Turkey as a way to go against Russia, and what is this but a repetition of history? In the days when Christendom was still alive, it was the Catholic and Orthodox nations that fought against the Ottoman Empire, while Protestant Europeans by and large allied with the Islamic power, since it accepted it as an enemy of Rome — which they deemed as the “harlot of Babylon.”

When you enter into the modern era, in the 20th century, the hatred of the Protestant West against the Orthodox and Catholic nations, took a slightly different face. In the First World War, Germany warred against France and Russia and Great Britain while allying with the Ottoman Empire. The ideology of the Germans consisted of both Protestant nationalism mixed in with Darwinism. In 1917, during the First World War, Canon William Barry said that “The heart of Luther, German to its last fiber, is beating still in those armies which are attempting to ruin our Western civilization, are attacking our faith as inherited from Christendom of old time.”

The 19th century chief of staff for the Prussian Army, Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, envisioned a conflict of “Slav East and the Latin West against the center of Europe,” that is, a bloody conflict in which the Germanic Central European nations would fight against the Catholic Latin West and the Orthodox Slavic countries. Before the eruption of the First World War, Helmuth von Moltke the Younger predicted a sanguinary war between the Germans and the Slavs. There was even an ideological movement of pan-Germanism, the followers of which, according to historian Charles Emerson, “imagined a titanic settling of scores between Germany and Britain or, more ethnically inflected, between Teuton and Slav.” (1)

When Austria went to war with Serbia, the Western world had its sympathies towards the Austrians, and its apathy towards the Serbs. (2) In the Second World War, German Nazis recruited Albanians and Bosnians to slaughter Orthodox Serbs. This struggle, which consists of both ethnocentric ideology and theological conflict, between the cultures of Protestantism and orthodoxy (Catholic and Eastern Orthodox), continues on, although under more secular and empty diplomatic manifestations. In the 1990s the Germans trained the Albanian KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) so that they could make attacks on Serbian police, and the Americans, in the end, sided with Germany against Orthodox Serbs.

Today the United States is against the Russian ally, Assad, who is fighting ISIS, a persecutor of Orthodox and Catholic Christians. Germany supported the recent strike against Syria, with Merkel saying that the “international community must urgently try to find a political solution,” which is the typical modern political code talk for regime change. Germany and France just recently released a statement in which they “jointly call on the international community to join forces for a political transition in Syria in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 and the Geneva Communique”. Merkel is the head of the Evangelical Lutheran party, the Christian Democrats, while Erdogan is an Islamist Sufi. Thus, the Protestant Muslim alliance, continues on.


The current day nazis in suits, who are in powerful positions in the West, are just like in the days of old, working to advance the war upon humanity, with all sons of belial, be they Muslim or Darwinist. General Michael Flynn is a lobbyist and agent for the Turkish government. His consulting firm, Flynn Intel Group, was lobbying for a Dutch consulting firm called Inovo BV, which has ties to Erdogan and his Islamist government.

Inovo was founded by Kamil Ekim Alptekin, the Chairman of the Turkish American Business Council who paid Flynn’s firm $535,000 between September 9th and November 14th of 2016; and Flynn himself was paid $12,000 for “Administrative support,” and on top of that a $4,000 check just four days before Trump chose him as national security advisor. Inovo hired Flynn with an assignment that focused on Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric living in Pennsylvania who Erdogan wants extradited to Turkey and punished (likely, executed) under the claim that he inspired the failed coup last year.    

Kamil Ekim Alptekin

According to the report, a man who owned 33% of Flynn’s intel firm was Bijan Rafiekien, who was appointed by George W. Bush to be a member of the Board of Directors for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Rafiekien was also appointed to work at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for the Trump administration. Rafiekien participated in a draft for a 2016 article written by General Flynn entitled: “Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support”. Flynn wrote in the article:

“Turkey is vital to U.S. interests. Turkey is really our strongest ally against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as well as a source of stability in the region.  It provides badly needed cooperation with U.S. military operations. But the Obama administration is keeping Erdoğan’s government at arm’s length — an unwise policy that threatens our long-standing alliance.” He later on writes: “We need to adjust our foreign policy to recognize Turkey as a priority.”

Michael Flynn

General Flynn wants Turkey to be “a priority” for the United States. The US and Turkey are using ISIS as propaganda to justify advancing into Syria, while Germany is using ISIS to revive militarism. The removal of Saddam is what led to the creation of ISIS, and the Western powers, knowing this, are gladly capitalizing on the situation, using to help Turkish expansionism. This is Turkey, the most powerful country in the Islamic world; this is the nation that planned out a false flag attack to be executed by ISIS (ISIL). Back in 2014 showed how Turkish politicians very close to Erdogan discussed using ISIS as a way to justify Turkish military expansion into Syria. These elites conspired to allow ISIS to attack the tomb of Suleiman Shah in Syria and use it as a pretext for Turkish military intervention into the region. In a leaked out conversation, Turkish politician Hakan Fidan said:

“I’ll send 4 men from Syria, if that’s what it takes. I’ll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.”

Hakan Fidan

In the same conversation, Feridun Sinirluoglu, the Undersecretary to the Foreign Ministry in the Turkish government. said:

“An operation on ISIL has solid ground on international law. We’re going to portray this as Al-Qaeda, there’s no distress there if it’s a matter regarding Al-Qaeda. And if it comes to defending Suleiman Shah Tomb, that’s a matter of protecting our land.” 

Feridun Sinirluoglu

Look at the way they are talking; they know very well that ISIS is a tool of manipulation and a means to propaganda for the cause of imperialism and tyrannical expansionism. In fact, Sinirluoglu himself said, “ISIL and all that jazz, all those organizations are extremely open to manipulation.” What does this mean but that ISIS is being used as tools by major governments to justify militarism?

ISIS is a terrorist group that is easy to control and manipulate, to use as a tool for Turkey to justify its militarism. Remember what Flynn said: “Turkey is really our strongest ally against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)”. Yet the United States military, as we reported, has blocked Syrian forces from advancing against ISIS. ISIS is the alibi behind which America conducts intervention, in order to help the cause of Turkey to thwart Orthodox Russia, and this is why the US administration has not fully destroyed it.  

And while Assad’s regime has been fighting ISIS, the United States is against him. The US is allying with Turkey against Assad, as opposed to working with him against ISIS. While Turkey is using ISIS as justification for military expansion, it is actually serving as a major support ground for the terrorist group. As one Middle Eastern report reveals:

“ISIS gangs have been crossing from Jarablus to Turkey in groups of 10-15 arriving at Turkey then were given different uniforms and sent back to Jarablus, and emphasized that Turkey’s operation was a mise en scene”.

Turkey helped create ISIS, but in the name of fighting ISIS, it subtly conspires for military expansionism. Therefore, the US is empowering Turkey, all in the name of fighting terrorism. By bombing Syria, the US is empowering Turkey. In fact, the Turkish elitist, Ekim Alptekin, who Michael Flynn was a lobbyist for, praised the recent strike against Syria:


Ekim wants Assad removed, and Flynn wants Assad removed, and it would be an inadequate observation that this is coincidental. Trump praised Erdogan for his prevention of the coup, saying: “I give him great credit for being able to turn that around,” and while Trump promoted a ban on certain Islamic countries, this did not bother the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlut Covusoglu, who said of the US president: “I was actually expecting Trump to win the election …The Trump administration is one we could cooperate with …I know he is a pragmatic person. Many of our views overlap.” And when speaking on Trump’s proposal for a ban on several Islamic countries, Cavusoglu said: “We should distinguish between pre-election rhetoric and post-election reality.” The Turks understood that the US government would help them under Trump.

Both Erdogan and Trump are populists, and so its no surprise that they would be so favorable towards each other. Populist politicians in Europe express deep concern about the coming of Muslim migrants into the US, but the Turks are worse. Turkish border officers will actually open fire and kill Syrian migrants. So both the Turkish elites, as well as the Western populists, do not care about the migrants, and may actually despise them. So what makes them so different? The eugenists of Europe and the Ottomanists of Turkey are both nazis, except that one wears a fez.


In a 2015 interview with Russian media, Flynn implied that he desires regime change in Syria: “Let’s face it, come on, is Assad the future of Syria, given the way the situation has unfolded?” Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, just last month was in Turkey where he shared a platform with Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. In the talk, Tillerson affirmed: “We stand with Turkey and their fight to stop terrorism directed against its country and its people.”

Tillerson went on to talk about economic ties with Turkey: “We will work with the Turkish government and the private sector to expand economic cooperation that benefits both of our countries.” Economics, industry, and the rise of fascism, are all interconnected.

The Turkish elitist, Ekim Alptekin, who General Michael Flynn was working for, is a member of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), the biggest business organization in Turkey, consisting of the country’s wealthiest elite, which is very close to the Turkish government. did an in depth investigation on TUSIAD and its connections with fascism and the Nazi sympathizing organization, The Property and Freedom Society. In the investigation, we also showed how numerous heads of TUSIAD, such as Sarik Tara and Aldo Kaslowski, were very active in pushing Western governments, including the United States, to reject recognizing the Armenian Genocide.   

Aldo Kaslowski

In conforming to the demands of these Turkish elites, Trump’s Vice-President Mike Pence opposed a US recognition of the Armenian Genocide, so as to not anger Turkey which he praised as an ally against terrorism. Mike Pence bowed down to Turkey and, like a shameless heretic, hid behind the Bible, saying in a congressional hearing:

“The Bible tells me as a Christian to mourn with those who mourn and grieve with those who grieve and so we do today in recognizing that fact. The families and the loved ones of victims of those terrible events that began more than 90 years ago have my heartfelt condolences. I do not minimize or deny the horror of what took place. Neither do I accept the contention that those who were lost were collateral damage. The fact that more than 1 million Christians were killed makes the loss even more personal to me. …

The old book also tells us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven, and I would submit with great humility that now is not the time for this committee or the American Congress to take up the measure that is before us. As you are aware, Mr. Chairman, more well aware than I am from your experience, as the ranking member has said, Turkey is a strategic partner in our ongoing efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. They share our interest in defeating international terrorism and seeing secure and free nations emerge after many years of war.” 

Mike Pence with Turkish Prime Minister, Binali Yildirim

The use of the Bible to justify not recognizing genocide. What is happening here, but the evil of heresy? Heresy gives birth to tyrants, commences the bloodiest wars, and while it begins with flowery language and bright ideals, it always ends with mountains of carnage. Look to the Nazis, and you will see that they were full of heresies, praising Luther and gnostic Cathars as their models; Hitler himself wanted Pope Pius XII dead and slaughtered millions of Catholic Poles. All of this carnage was the result of heresy. Now today, look to the Nazis in modern suits, and you will smell the stench of antichrist.

To oppose recognizing the Armenian Genocide, is to defend the systematic extermination of Christians done not just by an Islamist regime, but by a Darwinist, eugenist regime as well. As we have written before (here and here), the Ottoman Empire under the Young Turks was heavily influenced by Darwinism and eugenics, and when the elites of Turkey conducted their extermination of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Christians in the twentieth century, they believed that they were purging the empire in order to create a homogenous Turkish society. In the Ottoman Empire of the twentieth century, Islam and Darwinism were syncretized as cooperating ideologies, with one being for the fundamentalist Muslim and the other being for the secularist; and at the end of the day, it all led to the annihilation of the saints. It was the holocaust that would later inspire Hitler himself.   

For Turkey to adamantly deny the genocide, means that Turkey is following in the footsteps of its Darwinist predecessors, the secularist Young Turks. What is interesting is that Ekim Alptekin, who General Michael Flynn worked for, praises secularism while at the same time supporting the Islamist, Erdogan. In an interview done late last year, Alptekin said:

“I would say that secularism despite the high percentage of Muslims in the population is the most important asset that Turkey has. This importance increased mostly with the AK Party and Mr. Erdoğan. Turkey used to have a strategic importance for the West and other secular countries in the past anyway. However, this was not acknowledged in the Muslim world before Erdoğan came to power. The West thought that Turkey was a role model for the Muslim world, an idea which was not shared by them. This was simply because there was a big question mark about Turkey’s Muslim identity.  Today, can you show me another leader convincingly praying together with the Muslim community in Tahrir Square and emphasising the principle of secularism at the same time? Not one in the entire world.”

If Alptekin supports Islam and secularism, that signifies that he is in favor for both Islam and — like the Young Turks before him — evolutionism and Darwinism. For the United States to support such an evil government, means that the US is on the side of a fascist and hitlerian state. We should then not marvel at the presence of the current nazis in suits within the United States government. Just to show you the association between the Ottomanists and the nazis of our time, I would like to present to you information on Peter Thiel, a homosexual protestant, a multi-billionaire and the founder of Pay-Pal, and his association with eugenics.    


Trump with homosexual eugenist, Peter Thiel

The Agent of Turkey, General Michael Flynn, hired Peter Thiel to be a top national security advisor for the Trump administration. Thiel is another eugenist whose ideology is purely hitlerian. Last year, Peter Thiel was invited to Turkey to speak for the Property and Freedom Society in the Turkish city of Bodrum. In a very in depth article that we wrote in April of this year, we showed how the Property And Freedom Society has been a central outlet for ethnocentrist ideology, Nazi sympathy and Armenian Genocide denial. Although Thiel’s name was removed from the list of speakers for the event (perhaps because of the media backlash), the fact that Thiel accepted the invitation from this Turkish organization, shows that there must have been some sort of conversation and association between the two.

What is also very interesting is how the co-founder of the Property and Freedom Society, Gulcin Imre, is the sister of Ergin Imre, the head of the Ahmet Veli Menger banking company, and a significant supporter of the organization who has associations with TUSIAD. A member of TUSIAD is Kamil Ekim Alptekin, the man who paid (bribed) General Flynn, and it was Flynn who picked Peter Thiel to be a top security advisor for the Trump administration.  

In this explanation there is a flow of connections: a major TUSIAD member paid General Flynn to make propaganda for Erdogan; Flynn chose Thiel to be a top security advisor for the Trump administration; TUSIAD has an association with the pro-Ottoman and pro-Nazi Property and Freedom Society; Thiel accepted to speak for the Property and Freedom Society in Turkey. While we do not know everything, there are too many connections that we should not ignore. Thiel obviously has a connection with the pro-Ottoman and Nazi sympathizing Property and Freedom Society in Turkey, and his hitlerian sentiments are further revealed once we look into his eugenist associations.   

Peter Thiel. The face of one possessed by the spirit of antichrist


Peter Thiel is a funder for the eugenist, pro-abortionist organization, NumbersUSA, which was founded by Roy Beck and John Tanton. Tanton is a huge supporter of Planned Parenthood. According to one report, Tanton “organized the Planned Parenthood chapter in Petoskey, Michigan.” Tanton was a personal friend and ally with Joyce Tarnow, an anti-immigrant and population control advocate. Tarnow served on the board of the organization, Zero Population Growth, from 1972-1974; she ran an abortion clinic in Broward Country from 1976 to 2006 and was also the president of Floridians for a Sustainable Population, and was also a member of the Federation of Anti-Immigration Reform (FAIR). In one article Tarnow wrote:

“Fertility is an environmental issue… That’s why I try to get as many people sterilized as are in my way!”

Joyce Tarnow

Tarnow owned the Women’s Clinic in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in which around 800 to 900 abortions were committed each year. Tarnow also boasted of her membership with the National Abortion Federation. This woman was an ally of John Tanton, the founder of NumbersUSA, who is a huge supporter of Planned Parenthood, and who has received support from the Republican and major Trump supporter, Peter Thiel.

Peter Thiel does not only support this eugenist organization, but he is also a fanatic transhumanist, believing that death can be replaced with immortality by connecting the human body with machines, bridging the human mind with electronic simulators, pushing humanity into living in a world akin to what is seen in the science fiction film, The Matrix. Thiel wrote an article for the Cato Institute’s publication, Cato Unbound, in which he expressed his transhumanist belief: 

“I stand against confiscatory taxes, totalitarian collectives, and the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual.”

Peter Thiel is the funder for the Methuselah Foundation, a transhumanist advocacy organization headed by Aubrey de Grey, chief science officer of the SENS Research Foundation.

Aubrey de Grey

De Grey served in a panel with eugenist Antonio Regalado, senior editor for biomedicine at MIT Technology Review, and Kevin Esvelt, an assistant professor at the MIT Media Lab. During the panel discussion, the moderator, Steve Fuller, a sociology professor at the University of Warwick, asked the panelists on the need to develop policies governing gene editing in humans, to which Esvelt said that the only eugenist policy that would be done is embryonic selection, “using genetics to pick which embryos will be implanted in an in vitro fertilization procedure.” 

Kevin Esvelt

Antonio Regaldo then told the moderator: “You use the word eugenics … and it is a bad word … but as soon as we do eugenics and we like it, we don’t call it that anymore”.

Antonio Regalado

Aubrey de Grey, who is funded by Thiel, believes in being able to get man to live for hundreds of years by manipulating human DNA. Aubrey believes in Darwinian evolution, and like a true eugenist, believes in taking the role of evolution itself. Evolutionists love to talk about how the evolutionary process just naturally continues without any human interaction. But they will always make themselves the natural selector, the tyrant who decides who lives and who dies to advance the cause of Darwin.

Aubrey’s book, Ending Aging, pushes for the idea of man forcing evolution on man, manipulating the genome to bring humanity into immortality. In one part of the book he says, “The reason why evolution hasn’t finished the job for us already is a matter of some debate, but everyone agrees that there must be some kind of ‘forces’ holding the process back.” (3)

Aubrey advocates for experimentation on human embryos — that is, unborn human beings — for the cause of his transhumanist utopian vision. In his book de Grey writes in regards to this, expressing his anger against the anti-abortion position, and arguing that the embryos are not human beings:

“These embryos are ultimately discarded, or become sufficiently decayed that they cease to have any potential to form a baby. This is what makes the debate around the use of embryos from fertility clinics such a frustration to doctors and scientists. These embryos are slated for destruction no matter what we do with them:  there is no chance that the vast majority of them will ever be implanted in a womb and undergo the additional development needed to make a baby. The opponents of ESC [embryonic stem cell] research and therapy have proposed preventing their disposal by implantation into volunteers who would carry them to term for adoption, but even in that scenario there is no realistic prospect that even one percent of such embryos would be diverted from the rubbish tip. Once created, the fate of those blastocysts that are not actually implanted into a woman is sealed; the only question is whether scientists will be allowed to use their cells for research and as cures. Actually, the insertion of these cells into the midst of the abortion debate is even more artificial than this makes it sound.” (4) 

The irony of it all is revealing, is it not? The ones who desire this utopian idea of making man live forever, ends up hating human life itself. In the empty pursuit for immortality, man ends up killing himself. From the thirst for immortality and the refusal to accept the reality of death, we end up hating life, seeing humanity— with all of its limits — as an enemy to the utopian goal.

Mankind is seen as worthy of enslavement before the alter of the god of Darwinism. And what is the god of Darwinism? It is the insatiable desire to be a god. God told Adam and Eve that if they ate the forbidden fruit, that they would die. But what did the devil tell Eve? “No, you shall not die the death. For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5) In not wanting death, but power in defiance against God, man seeks to be god, and from this does all tyranny originate; from this arises all of the Cains, all of the Nimrods and the Neroes, all of the Herods and Judases.

Thiel’s agenda is masqueraded under a shadow of compassion, under a guise of helping people live for a long time.  “I believe that evolution is a true account of nature,” Thiel told the Washington Post. “But I think we should try to escape it or transcend it in our society.”  This statement, at first, seems absent of evil intent. But after looking at the words he chooses, we can see the diabolical conspiracy behind it.

Observe the word, “evolution,” what does this entail? Darwinism. He then says that he wants to “transcend” evolution. What does this mean? To take control over the ‘evolutionary process,’ in which — in the false theory of evolution — is man evolving from a lower state to a higher state. If one wants to transcend this process, that means he wants to force his way upon it, to force man into a ‘superior’ state. What then would happen to those deemed as being in the ‘inferior’ state within evolution? They would be ‘naturally’ selected, that is, eliminated or enslaved in the cruel realm of ‘survival of the fittest.’ 

Peter Thiel is a eugenist, who desires to see a world in which children are not born, but designed through computer technology. In Thiel’s vision, these children would be designed based on desired DNA makeup. People would be able to manipulate DNA to create the human being they desire. This is why Thiel funds the eugenist company, Cambrian Genomics, headed by Austen Heinz. “Every human being will be designed on a computer, and that’s something we’re starting right now with Happy Healthy Baby,” says Mr. Heinz, founder and CEO of Cambrian Genomics.

Thiel and Heinz desire to, in the words of Eric P. Newcomer, “manipulate the building blocks of life”, in their desire to create man based on their own diabolical fantasy. Part of Heinz’s plan is to take human embryos and “select” certain desired genetic traits. Its part of a process that Cambrian calls “laser-printing DNA.”  Heinz also has said: “I can’t imagine in 10 to 20 years people would not design their children digitally.” In one interview, Heinz said:

“It’s likely that in the next 100 years almost every human will be genetically modified throughout their lifetime. But already you have to wonder how having these new genetically modified humans will begin affecting culture and politics.”

Austen Heinz

In another statement he says:

“Anyone in the world that has a few dollars can make a creature, and that changes the game. And that creates a whole new world. … It is the most powerful technology humans have ever created. Hydrogen bombs can destroy whole planets, but this is a technology that can create planets. This is the greatest human achievement of all time – the ability to read and write life, because that’s who we are.”

Thiel’s funding company, Founders Fund, which provides money for Heinz’s eugenist laboratory, is filled with Nazi minded workers. Amongst these sons of Sodom is Michael Solana, the Vice President for Founders Fund, who wrote an article describing his fantasy of being “superhumans” through genetic manipulation. He begins the article as describing himself as having “superhuman” genes, and says that we no longer need to pray to God since we are in the dawn of biological pre-determinism (a Social-Darwinist concept):

“When I was eight I determined it my destiny to be one of the X-Men, a superhero born with extraordinary abilities. It seemed there were many bad things I could stop if only I were stronger, faster, smarter. To make a positive difference in the world, I had to be better. But there was just a very small chance I was carrying the X-gene, and so I would lie in bed each night and pray to God I was different, a mutant. This was my introduction to genetics: To both my conception of genes and my very strong desire, mine were superhuman. Twenty years later, nothing has changed but this: we no longer have to pray to God. The age of biological self-determination is upon us.”    

Michael Solana

Later in the article, Solana mocks ethicists who warn that genetic manipulation will lead to eugenics, writing:

“In the New York Times, on the problems with germline engineering, the true fear was very well distilled with: ‘…which could be used to cure genetic diseases, but also to enhance qualities like beauty or intelligence. The latter is a path that many ethicists believe should never be taken.’ Full stop. But why? No one ever expands, here. And since when, from reputed, important voices in journalism, is it okay to end a conversation at ‘Well, it’s taboo, so we’d better not’?

What’s to stop a very small group of people, now enhanced genetically well beyond the average human in every way imaginable, from winning at the zero sum game of life? Taboos are things that exist in place of reason, where popular social tastes determine human action. There’s nothing rational about them. They may not all be seen through to unjust or calamitous political conclusion — as too many of them are — but certainly every one of them should be questioned.”

Solana wants to question every moral teaching, and such a way of thinking will only lead to more human cruelty, more indifference and disdain towards human life. Solana goes against the objection to gene manipulation, that this form of human experimentation could lead to the deaths of human beings in the process of carrying it out. To the twisted soul of Solana, it doesn’t matter if people die in the process. He writes:

“If mistakes are made, lives could be lost. But lives are lost every day on operating tables across the globe, and what scientist would be taken seriously who stood and called for cessation of open heart surgery on grounds that sometimes people die? People are already dying. That’s the problem we’re trying to fix.”

In other words, who cares if people die in these experimentations, since human beings are only a means to the transhumanist end. At the end of the article he writes: “It doesn’t matter how many superpeople there are. A world with any superpeople in it is a better world.”

One of the founders of Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund is Ken Howery, a member of the World Economic Forum, a major eugenist organization that holds strongly to the agenda of a Social-Darwinistic globalization. In the official website for the World Economic Forum, it states:

“In the beginning of the 20th century there was a strong eugenics movement, one that many eminent scientists supported. That’s a practice now considered anathema. When British scientists figured out how to do in-vitro fertilization so infertile couples could have babies, they were initially vilified. Now IVF is a standard medical procedure. Who knows? In 15 years it may seem unethical not to modify a human embryo if it means preventing a disease.”

Ken Howery

In June of 2016, World Economic Forum published an article in line with Thiel’s transhumanist ideology, entitled, “How gene editing could be the beginning of the end for disease”, in which was an interview with Qiurong Ding, Professor at the Laboratory of Human Genetics and Metabolic Diseases at the Institute for Nutritional Sciences in Shanghai, China. In this interview, Ding spoke about experimentation on human embryos, saying:

“The stem cells are either taken from human blastocysts – the term for a very early stage embryo, not yet attached to the wall of the womb – with consent from the donor, or reprogrammed from somatic cells, a different kind of cell which includes blood cells. We can then study these mutations and different ways of treating them outside of the body, for example in petri dishes.”

Qiurong Ding

The interconnection between Thiel’s funding and eugenics is brought more to light when one reads the disturbing work of an obscure and unknown author named Michael Wray, a contributor for Big Think. Thiel was one of the main investors behind the multimedia website, Big Think. Michael Wray, wrote for Big Think, an article entitled “Eugenics in Practice,” in which he wrote on his agreement with Hitler regarding Eugenics, and on his utopian vision of mandatory abortion for babies of the “bottom 10% of intelligence” in order to form a society of genetically superior people:

“Eugenics is the selective breeding of humans, generally, in order to improve the quality of human life. I, like Adolph Hitler, believe in this. However, unlike Hitler, I feel that it should not be an arbitrary mass genocide. Instead the Government should hold screening tests in order to establish a fetus’ intelligence. If the fetus falls into the bottom 10 % of intelligence then it should be aborted. This will lead to the level of intelligence rising exponentially. Initially, only the vastly unintelligent will be weeded out. But as time progresses the original top 50 % of intelligence will be the lower 25 % and so on and so forth. This will lead to a reasonable and more stable society. It is means of creating a tangible utopia without the problem of an identical society. Instead, there will be diverse ideas along with intellectual peoples.”

Thiel has funded major websites like Big Think, and also Facebook; the reason is because Thiel wants to change the political order through the internet. As I have said before, the one who dominates the internet, dominates politics. Political influence cannot just be gaged by television popularity, but by internet influence on social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Thiel has invested so much on the outlets of information on the internet, because he wants to create a virtual nation, one outside of actual nations — a cyber nation, ruled by memes, fragmented statements, and armchair revolutionaries disseminating information on social media. As Thiel himself wrote:

“As an entrepreneur and investor, I have focused my efforts on the Internet. In the late 1990s, the founding vision of PayPal centered on the creation of a new world currency, free from all government control and dilution — the end of monetary sovereignty, as it were. In the 2000s, companies like Facebook create the space for new modes of dissent and new ways to form communities not bounded by historical nation-states. By starting a new Internet business, an entrepreneur may create a new world. The hope of the Internet is that these new worlds will impact and force change on the existing social and political order.”   

Through the internet, Thiel wants to alter the social order through metapolitics, as opposed to just focusing on the elections. By that I mean that he wants to change the national consensus through the internet, since by focusing on transforming the perspective of the people at a very deep level, the state of government must conform in accordance to that change. By making the internet into a virtual nation, with tremendous international influence, the virtual nation can then change actual nations. 

Thiel was instrumental in the formation of the internet movement that has been called the “Dark Enlightenment,” which is said to have paved the way for what is referred to as the “Alt-Right.” Nick Land, in his essay on the history of the Dark Enlightenment, points to Thiel and his essay against democracy (published by the Cato Institute), as the milestone for the movement:

“One milestone was the April 2009 discussion hosted at Cato Unbound among libertarian thinkers (including Patri Friedman and Peter Thiel) in which disillusionment with the direction and possibilities of democratic politics was expressed with unusual forthrightness. Thiel summarized the trend bluntly: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

Correlating with this is the fact that the Property and Freedom Society in Islamic Turkey was and has been amongst the major centers for the Alt-Right. The fact that Thiel accepted to speak for this organization, corresponds with his pioneering work behind the Alt-Right movement.

Peter Thiel is a major funder for the Alt-Right writer, Curtis Yarvin (also known as Mencius Moldbug). Thiel funded Yarvin’s company, Tlon, and supported its co-founder, John Burnham. When Burnham was just 18, Thiel payed him $100,000 to skip college and work directly in business, eventually partnering with Yarvin at Tlon under the bizarre title of “benevolent dictator for life.” Yarvin’s other company, Urbit, is also funded by Thiel. “I am not a white nationalist, but I do read white-nationalist blogs, and I’m not afraid to link to them . . . I am not exactly allergic to the stuff,” Yarvin writes. In regards to the mass murderer of Norway, Anders Breivik, Yarvin says:  “If you ask me to condemn [mass murderer] Anders Breivik, but adore Nelson Mandela, perhaps you have a mother you’d like to fuck”.


Speaking for the RNC, Thiel said:

“Good evening. I’m Peter Thiel. I build companies and I support people who are building new things, from social networks to rocket ships.”

Indeed, Thiel was a big investor for the commercial space technology company, SpaceX. The co-founder for Thiel’s company, Paypal, and a partner of his Founder’s Fund organization, Luke Nosek, sits on the board of SpaceX. The company has worked with the militaries of both Germany and Japan. In a 2013 report, it says that SpaceX will be providing the launching services for the German military’s satellite system, “SARah,” which will be operated by the German armed forces (Bundeswehr). The satellites will be provided by Otto Hydraulic Bremen or OHB, a major German technology company that works for the European Union, and will be launched into orbit in 2018 and 2019. According to the report:

“Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) will provide the launch services for Germany’s second-generation radar reconnaissance satellite system. The satellites, provided by OHB System AG and Astrium GmbH, will replace the current constellation and will be delivered to orbit by two Falcon 9 rockets in 2018 and 2019.”   

In 2016, SpaceX launched the Japanese CSat-16 satellite, as we read in one report: “A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on Aug. 14 successfully placed the JCSat-16 commercial telecommunications satellite into geostationary transfer orbit and landed the rocket’s first stage on a drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean.” The launch of the Japanese CSat-16 satellite is definitely associated with military. For one, as we read in one report, “The U.S. Air Force’s 45th Space Wing supported the successful SpaceX Falcon 9 JCSAT-16 launch Aug. 14, 2016”. In the same report it says: “A combined team of military, government civilians and contractors from across the 45th Space Wing supported the mission with weather forecasts, launch and range operations, security, safety and public affairs.”

The United States Air Force worked in conjunction with SpaceX to launch the Japanese satellite. The launching of the satellite was obviously of a military interest. Secondly, the satellite was designed by Kratos Defense and Security Solutions, a company that produces “Technology and products supporting strategic and transformational national security programs, bringing disruptive solutions rapidly to market” for the United States governments, and other governments. Launching satellites does have military significance.

On June 2010, the Japanese conducted the Hayabusa government test in which they sent a satellite into space to land upon an asteroid. The test was a success and it brought the Japanese people to much international pride, with three motion pictures being done about the Hayabusa program. While people were discussing it as a great accomplishment for Japanese technological advancement, what was going on behind the scenes was something very sinister. The technology used for the project was the same type needed to guide ballistic missiles. It was done purposefully to show that Japan had the capabilities to build and use ballistic missiles. “That’s the behind-the-scenes reason Japan decided to develop Hayabusa,” says Toshiyuki Shikata, a former lieutenant general in Japan’s military and currently a Teikyo University professor and Tokyo Metropolitan Government adviser. “It sent a quiet message that Japan’s ballistic missile capability is credible.” 

SpaceX, a company heavily funded by the sodomite nazi protestant, Peter Thiel, is involved with Japanese and German military technologies. And here we see, a protestant, Japanese and German alliance in a major globalist conspiracy to bring about the rise of fascist and nazi governments. (To read my latest article on Japan, click here). All of this information attests to the homosexual, Nazi, Islamic, Japanese and Protestant alliance.

Glenn Beck recently interviewed Peter Thiel and brought up the fact that he is “gay Evangelical,” as though it were a good thing:

What is this, but heresy? And what will be the cause of the earth entering to the tempest of destruction, but heresy? So many Christians talk about the coming of the Antichrist, being utterly oblivious that they themselves are but ripe fruit, reading to be picked by the hands of Antichrist.

Many Christians like to “speak out” against Islam, only when a Democrat is supporting Islam. But when Trump or his ilk are doing the same evils as the Democrats, these very “Christians” will be utterly indifferent or silent about it. Its not about defending truth, its about defending a false messiah that they have invented in their minds. Trump is a corrupt politician, but to the minds of the mob, he is a savior. Christ said: “Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.” (Matthew 7:13) The majority of people will fall for the spirit of Antichrist, and that includes so called Christians. Christ said that “there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24)

Christians will be deceived by the Antichrist. Turkey is the nation of the Antichrist. And Trump and his administration is supporting Turkey, and yet there is an entire cult from the Right-Wing that is revering him. Yet if it were Obama that was supporting Turkey, they would be hating him. So its not about truth, its about loyalty to a political figure. No matter which position one chooses, Left or Right, there is the devil, waiting to pluck out those whose souls have submitted to the idol of prestige and power.

People will reject the Antichrist spirit when it is promoted by a Democrat, but then they will consume Antichrist spirit once it is pushed by one of their gods. This is how the masses are swayed from one direction to the other. Most people will follow the Antichrist. This article will not be read by many, and this, I believe, attests to this reality.

Jesus Christ is King

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