Jesus' Coming Back

Celebs Call On Al Franken to Resign Over Groping Allegations

Celebrities took to social media Thursday to condemn Senator Al Franken (D-MN) over a photo of him groping journalist and talk radio anchor Leeann Tweeden while she was sleeping, with some stars, like actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano, calling on the Democratic lawmaker to resign from office.

Tweeden posted a 2006 photo to Twitter Thursday showing Franken grabbing her breast during a two week USO Tour. The TalkRadio 790 KABC anchor also detailed how Franken allegedly shoved his tongue down her throat without her consent during a rehearsal for a USO skit.

One of the more forceful reactions to the photo came from Charmed star Alyssa Milano, who said Franken can no longer represent the women of Minnesota.

“Zero tolerance. If we don’t hold all accountable for horrible behavior — nothing changes. Sorry, @SenAlFranken you should not be in a position to represent the female constituents in your state,” Milano wrote, linking to Tweeden’s post.

Actor Terry Crews, who filed a police report last week with the LAPD over an alleged assault by top Hollywood talent agent Adam Venit, said Franken “must be held accountable.”

Actor Tom Arnold said Franken “needs to own this right now or get out,” while Thor Ragnarok star Mark Ruffalo said Franken’s alleged behavior is “acceptable.”

Franken issued two apologies to Tweeden Thursday and called for a Senate ethics probe into his own behavior.

“I am asking that an ethics investigation be undertaken, and I will gladly cooperate,” he wrote.

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) looks over his papers during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on hurricane recovery efforts in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, on Capitol Hill November 14, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Fictional character Stuart Smalley invented and performed by comedian Al Franken on NBC sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live.

Tweeden said in an appearance on CNN Thursday that she “gladly accepts” Franken’s apology.

Reaction, however, continues to pour in with Hollywood stars hammering the comedian turned politician.

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson

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