Jesus' Coming Back

FBI May Investigate Allegations against Planned Parenthood

FBI May Investigate Allegations against Planned Parenthood

The FBI has asked the Senate to turn over documents about Planned Parenthood’s alleged sale of baby parts.

Pro-life supporters are hopeful this means the FBI is investigating Planned Parenthood and its sale of fetal tissue and body parts.

“Attorney General Sessions confirmed that the Senate Judiciary Committee’s findings, if verified by the Justice Department’s review, could form the basis of criminal charges against Planned Parenthood,” the Center for Medical Progress said in a statement.

The Center for Medical Progress was the group that published undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling the body parts.

Dana Singiser, vice president of government affairs for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told the Christian Post this week that the organization has not had contact with the FBI.

“These accusations are baseless, and a part of a widely discredited attempt to end access to reproductive health care at Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has never, and would never, profit while facilitating its patients’ choice to donate fetal tissue for use in important medical research,” she said.

David Daleiden, the activist behind the undercover videos, said an FBI investigation is “long overdue,” calling the sale of the body parts “the greatest human atrocity of our times.”

Abortion providers are allowed to transfer fetal tissue for research at a price equivalent to the price of obtaining the tissue. However, a Senate report showed that Planned Parenthood sold tissue parts for profit.

“The facts are, Planned Parenthood took money for harvesting baby body parts and its partners charged hundreds of dollars each for arms, lungs, brains, and eyes, potentially making thousands of dollars on a single aborted child,” said Live Action founder Lila Rose.

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Publication date: November 16, 2017

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