Jesus' Coming Back

Hillary Blasts Trump, Moore for Not Accepting Responsibility on Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Friday on WABC radio’s “The Rita Cosby Show,” former first lady Hillary Clinton said Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) had taken “responsibility” for his sexual misconduct, while Alabama GOP U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore and President Donald Trump have not.

Clinton said, “Look, we have a man who is accused of sexual assault sitting in the Oval Office, don’t we? And the very credible accusations against him have not been taken seriously. So I think that the Republicans have a big problem that they are going to have to address and it’s not just confined to Alabama.”

She continued, “Look, Al Franken is a friend of mine, and I deeply regret what he did. There is no excuse for his behavior, none at all. But he has called for an investigation. He has apologized to the woman involved. Apparently, she has accepted the apology. I think we have got to recognize he agreed to an ethics investigation. It will go to the ethics committee. It will investigate whatever the situation was, and they’ll decide what if any action should be taken based on that behavior. I think that is the appropriate process. I think something like that coming into the public arena, and Al’s very quick acceptance of responsibility and apology and his willingness to be investigated and to take the consequences is the kind of accountability I’m talking about. I don’t hear that from Roy Moore or Donald Trump.”

She added, “Look at the contrast between Al Franken, accepting responsibility, apologizing, and Roy Moore and Donald Trump, who have done neither.”

(h/t The Hill)

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