Jesus' Coming Back

Report: Roy Moore Fundraising Surges Since Attacks

CNN Political Reporter Rebecca Berg reported that Roy Moore’s campaign chairman told them the campaign’s fundraising has “skyrocketed” since the allegations against Moore broke and a source close to the campaign says they’ve raised more money in the last six days than they’ve raised online since the runoff in September.

Berg said, “He’s been cut off by the NRSC and the Republican National Committee. But his campaign, its online grassroots fundraising, his Campaign Chairman Bill Armistead tells CNN has skyrocketed since these allegations since the national spotlight has shifted to their campaign. They have seen, according to a source close to the campaign, not Armistead, fundraising topping six figures on several days in a row. Armistead says that they have raised more in the last six days online than the total raised online since the runoff, September 26th. So, they are getting some gangbusters fundraising now.”

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