Character Witnesses: Former Girlfriends, Employees, and Childhood Friends Step Up to Defend Roy Moore

A dozen women who know Alabama Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore personally have come forward to express their support and speak out about his good character.
Over the past week, several women have claimed that Moore made sexual advances when they were teenagers. Another woman said she was in her twenties when Moore groped her in his office.
Moore has denied the allegations and has vowed to stay in the race against Democrat Doug Jones in a special election next month to fill the Senate seat Attorney General Jeff Sessions vacated.
Several media outlets reported on the statements, which the Roy Moore campaign distributed.
All of the women live in Alabama and some in the same county where Moore and his wife, Kayla, live.
The women range from Moore’s sister-in-law to a former receptionist, from women he once dated to women who have known him since childhood.
A “Women for Moore” rally took place Friday outside the Alabama State Capitol.
The statements follow below:
- “I have known Roy for over 30 years,” said Kandi Kisor Smith, sister of Moore’s wife. “I met him in 1984 when he met my sister in church and began dating her. He has always showed honor and dignity. I truly can’t even begin to grasp that people would question his character. He has lived by what he preached since the day I met him.”
- “I was the receptionist for Roy Moore the first time he was Chief Justice and I am proud of our history,” said Marianne Rhodes, who was Moore’s receptionist from 2000-2003. “I saw everything that went on in that office and I’ve never worked for anybody who was more considerate, honest, or kind. We all enjoyed our tenure there. He was always up and above board. If any of these people who are slandering the good name of Roy Moore had ever worked with [him], they would know what a fine person he is. My history with Judge Moore was nothing but pleasurable and this is all upsetting to me.”
- “I have known Roy Moore for about forty years,” Jennie Klingenbeck of Birmingham, who dated Moore, said. “Roy and I briefly dated when I was in my twenties. While I was around Roy, either just the two of us or with other people, he was always a true gentleman treating me with respect and courtesy. I can honestly say that I never have seen or heard any inappropriate remarks or behaviors while he was around me. I believe that Roy lives by his Christian beliefs and is a good man.”
- “I worked at Uncle Sam’s BBQ (closed now) for 10 years while in my 20’s and waited on Roy Moore and his family,” Jaime Moses said. “Mr. Moore and his wife were nothing but friendly and respectful. The children were the same, which is a sign of great parenting. He knew many people dining there and spoke and shook hands with everyone. Not once did he make me feel uncomfortable. Working in the food industry can be hard sometimes and Mr. Moore’s kindness to myself and staff did not go unnoticed.”
- “I feel it my duty to say that I have known Roy Moore since I was a kid,” Elaine Conner Watson said. “I worked closely with Roy (adjoining offices) when I was 16 years old. I went to school half a day and worked at the bank half a day. NEVER did he in any way make me feel uncomfortable, flirt, or make advances towards me. He was always a kind and respectable man. We are still friends to this day and I would put my life in his hands if need be. There is no way that these statements these people are making are true. Someone is getting some hefty perks coming from the lies that are being told. I appreciate and respect everything that Roy has done for our state and citizens.”
- “My first remembrance of Roy Moore was grammar school,” Sharon Lamkin said. “He was probably in Jr High school but all of us Gallant kids rode the same bus,” Sharon Lamkin said. “He was always a gentle, kind boy and grew into an even more admirable man. He was my softball coach in my high school days and was always such a kind person, never a mean or hateful word to any of us. Only kindness and utmost respect! Have been friends with all of his family for many, many years. NEVER heard ANY mention of any such behavior in all these years. Have seen him at the local church several times with his knees bowed in prayer at the altar. Takes time to listen to people. Just a wonderful, Christian man in a small rural community. Devoted to family, friends and most of all God. Proud to know him and will continue to support him with our presence and prayers.”
- “I have known Roy Moore and his family for over thirty years,” Amanda Pearce said. I spent a great deal of time as a child with his nieces, who lived in close proximity to Mr. Moore’s residence. There was never a time I felt uncomfortable or witnessed any inappropriate behavior by him. We have attended the same church for over twenty years and I have always had the utmost respect for the life he leads and the principles he stands for.”
- “I have known Roy Moore for over 50 years. I first met him when I started dating his first cousin, Dennis Mason,” Doris Mason said. “Dennis and I married in 1965, eventually had 4 children (3 of whom are girls) and we frequently visited his childhood home prior to our marriage. Roy has been nothing short of a true gentleman toward me, my daughters, and anyone else I have witnessed his interaction with. He spent many evenings in our home around our dinner table. Roy has spent time with all of our children at length and he has always displayed integrity, honesty and impeccable character. It is my belief that the accusations against Roy are completely false! Do I believe that Roy is perfect? Certainly not. No human is. What I do know is that he is a man that I trust and offer my utmost respect to because he has never been anything but respectful towards me and my family!”
- “I have known Roy Moore for 25 years,” Brenda Parrish said. “Roy has always been a kind, caring and generous Man of God. I have never heard anything bad said about Roy. He is a wonderful spiritual leader to his family and has exceptional character.”
- “We have known Roy Moore and his family for more than 25 years,” Angie Johnson said. “His son was coached on a ball team by my husband …a team player alongside my son. Roy also helped with coaching the team. My husband and I have been guests in his home, in his office in Gadsden as well as Montgomery. I am acquaintances with several members of Roy’s family. I have never known Roy to exhibit anything other than appropriate behavior during our times together. Further I was raised and lived in Gadsden all of my 50+ years and I have never been aware of any of the incidents that have been spoken of about Roy. I worked in a fast food establishment that Roy frequented during the time period in question. Again …no behavior exhibited other than respect and mannerful … during that time Roy had written and recorded a 45 record which he brought over and gifted to my mother. I do not understand waiting years and years to make accusations unless there are political or monetary gains to be made. It is a sad day when someone can take a person’s character and attempt to discredit them by making accusations that cannot be proven. How quick everyone is to take the position of judge, juror, and executioner. What if the shoe was on the other foot. I would never condone sexual harassment against anyone if proven.”
- “I had the pleasure of meeting Roy Moore around 15 years ago,” Linda Whitt said. “He is related to my husband’s brother-in-law. I have never known Roy to be anything other than a gentleman. With that being said, it saddens me that there are those who seek to tarnish the reputation of a good man.”
Jennifer Price of Gallant said, “I have known Roy Moore all my life. He is one of the most godly men I’ve even known. I would trust him with my life and I could call on him for anything and I know he’d be there. He’s a wonderful husband, father and granddaddy and loves his family dearly.”
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