Jesus' Coming Back

‘War on men’: Pastors defend Roy Moore, dispute allegations

Pastors across the southern US are coming to the defence of Republican senate candidate Roy Moore amid multiple allegations of sexual misconduct spanning decades, with some citing a “War on men” while others allege it’s just the Democrats playing dirty.

Approximately 50 pastors signed a letter of public support for Moore back in August, before the allegations came to light, so this may be an exercise in PR damage limitation from both Moore and the pastors.

“More women are sexual predators than men,” said Pastor Franklin Raddish of the Capitol Hill Independent Baptist Ministries, as cited by, who also alleges that the current wave of accusations of sexual misconduct indicates a “war on men” is underway. “Women are chasing young boys up and down the road, but we don’t hear about that because it’s not PC.”

“No one told Trump to stand down, what about the allegations against Clinton and his extramarital affair? The Democrats made a laughing stock out of those women. And now Al Franken is keeping his job,” Raddish continued.

“Also, why did the mothers of these women not come forward? The mother knew, the family knew, and not one of them did anything. Any mother with red blood that found out her daughter had been violated would have kicked down doors.Why didn’t they tell the state police, the FBI, the local sheriff? Because it’s not true,” he concluded.

At least 19 of the signatories of the August letter of support, republished by Moore’s wife on Tuesday, confirmed their continued support for the embattled Moore.

The Alabama GOP has also stood by Moore, though opinion varies among individual representatives. Mo Brookes has gone on record as supporting Moore despite the allegations while Bradley Byrne sidestepped the issue and said it was for the electorate to decide.

Despite the mounting allegations, 37 percent of evangelicals polled since the allegations emerged said they were more likely to vote for Moore than against him. Moore disputes the allegations calling them an “attack on [his] character and reputation” and a “desperate attempt to stop [his] political campaign for the United States Senate.”

“This attack on Judge Moore is an attempt by the Democrats to sway voters in Alabama,” said Pastor David Floyd of Marvyn Parkway Baptist Church, Opelika as cited by “I don’t believe those women. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty.”

Pastor Paul Hubbard of Lakeview Baptist Church, Montgomery, told WSFA 12 that “accusations are just accusations” but if sufficient evidence is there, Moore should “be arrested and tried in court.”

Tijuanna Adetunji, a member and pastor of Fresh Anointing House of Worship in Montgomery, said she still supports Moore but removed both her and her husband, Bishop Fred Adetunji, from the official letter of support. Pastor Thad Endicott of Opelika and Dr. George Grant of Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee also asked for their names to be removed.

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