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‘Mexico First’: Roy Moore Slams Doug Jones on Amnesty, Border

Judge Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Alabama, attacked his pro-amnesty Democrat opponent over his immigration stances Tuesday.

“The Mexico First policies of Doug Jones are straight from the pit of the failed Obama Administration and have no place in Alabama and certainly not the vacated seat of Jeff Sessions,” Moore Campaign chairman, Bill Armistead said in a statement that also emphasized Moore’s opposition to an amnesty of any kind for illegal aliens.

The Moore campaign’s rhetorical flourish contrasts Jones’ typical Democrat pro-mass migration politics with the “America First” priorities of President Donald Trump.

Running in deep-red Alabama, Jones, a former United States Attorney, does not include any mention of immigration on his campaign website, part of a wider effort to downplay his consistently liberal policy record. In interviews, however, he has consistently supported a so-called “DREAM act” – a codification and expansion of President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty. In its most far-reaching form, a DREAM Act could allow amnesty for over three million illegals.

Jones has also taken a firm stand against President Trump’s signature border wall, telling Fox News, “I don’t think we need to be spending $20 billion dollars. I want to put it on healthcare, I want to get tax cuts for the middle class.”

Moore, by contrast, not only supports the wall, but wants troops on the border in the interim. “Until we gain control of the Southern Border, American lives are in danger,” Roy Moore said in the Tuesday statement. “Our borders can and should be secured immediately by deploying the military to aid the Border Patrol until the border wall is completed as a longer-term solution.

“Illegal immigrants and a vulnerable border devalue the legal immigration process, put American jobs at risk, and open our borders to drug lords and criminals who put the safety of Americans at risk,” Armistead concludes. “Judge Roy Moore will join President Trump in putting Americans first again.”

The Alabama U.S. Senate race was thrown into disarray after Judge Moore was hit with allegations of sexual misconduct – not dissimilar to the type of allegations Jones once called “cynical attempts to extort money” in another context. As those allegations remain unproven. However, some polling indicates Moore is back comfortably in the lead in a state where Trump won by nearly three-to-one last year.

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