Jesus' Coming Back

DON’T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS: Full-Term Abortion Backer Doug Jones Now Aims to Fool Alabama Voters on Anti-Life Stance

Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones holds extreme views on abortion that are not in tune with the pro-life state of Alabama, but he’s apparently working to soften them.

In a recent interview with, Jones walked back his prior comments on abortion in which he refused any restrictions on abortion up until the baby’s day of birth. Now, however, Jones says he wants to “be clear” about his stance on abortion.

Jones told he was the victim of an “attack” since his MSNBC interview in which he said he becomes a “right-to-lifer” only after a baby is born.


… When Todd asked him if he would not support legislation that banned late-term abortions, Jones added:

I’m not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman’s right and her freedom to choose. That’s just the position that I’ve had for many years. It’s a position I continue to have.

But when those people — I want to make sure that people understand that once a baby is born, I’m going to be there for that child. That’s where I become a right to lifer.

Read the full story HERE and follow links below to related stories:

Dem Senate Candidate in Alabama Calls for No Restrictions on Abortion

Democrats Dump $250K a Day into Partial Birth Abortion Candidate Doug Jones Campaign to Beat Roy Moore

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