Jesus' Coming Back

Back to Work: John Conyers and Al Franken Return to Congress

Two Democrat Congressmen accused of sexually harassing women are returning to work in Washington, DC on Monday, despite calls for them to step down from their positions.

Their return proves that both Democrats believe they can politically withstand their accusations and retain their positions in Congress. Both men are being investigated by Congressional ethics committees.

Conyers announced Sunday that he would step down from his position as ranking member of House Judiciary Committee during the House Ethics Commttee investigation of his sexual misconduct, after a secret settlement with a staffer was reported by Buzzfeed.

Franken told Minnesota media that he was “embarrassed and ashamed” of allegations that he groped women but said that it was “not something I would intentionally do” despite four women accusing him of sexual misconduct. Franken is under investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee.

The House and Senate Ethics Committees have been criticized for their lenthy quiet investigations which rarely result in the expulsion of accused lawmakers.

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