Church Elder and Missionary Gives Prophetic Word on Year 2018
Bill Yount, an elder and home missionary at Bridge of Life Church in Hagerstown, Maryland has said he believes the world is going to change in major ways in 2018, and God is about to do big things.
“I sense 2018 will be a year of ‘everything at once,’” he writes in an article for “All hell will break loose and all of heaven will break loose, but heaven is greater than hell. I sense the presence of a great cloud of heavenly witnesses, including family members, standing to cheer us on this coming year. The eyes of heaven are upon us, waving checkered flags in the distance.”
Yount acknowledged that 2018 is sure to bring many challenges, but as Christians, we can be confident that the Lord is at work in mighty ways.
“It will be a year like Houston being hit by a hurricane and winning the World Series. Extreme testings and extreme victories. Testings will bring them on. Priorities will change as these challenges show up,” he continues.
“I hear the Father saying, ‘Batten Down the Hatches.’ I sense this means the prayer closet will become a very important place in our lives. “Batten down the hatches,” I sense, refers to closing the door on distractions as we not only pray but listen to him speaking to us.”
Despite the trials and challenges of this coming year, Yount reminds us of an important truth: “Remember,” he writes, “Jesus lives in us, He is not afraid and He doesn’t worry about anything.”
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/phototechno
Publication date: November 27, 2017
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