Jesus' Coming Back

The Mainstream Media’s Accused — The Rap Sheet, 16 So Far

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the very same mainstream media that attempted to disqualify then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 over the phrase “binders full of women,” the very same media that grinded Republican senate candidate Todd Akin into dust over something he said, appears to be, itself, a depraved institution populated by powerful abusers and their enablers.

Over the past two months a number of powerful men have been fired or placed on suspension over allegations of sexual misconduct, horrific behavior that ranges from masturbating in front of female subordinates to pay-for-play. And time and time again we hear the words Everybody Knew!

You read that correctly, according to those within this wicked institution, everyone knew … and did nothing.

There is no question there is a cancer of abuse and enabling within our elite media, an institution that, through its unceasing fake news and hypocrisy on matters such as these, has deservedly lost all public trust and moral authority.

Anymore questions about why the media (along with Harveywood) want to disarm us?

Below are the names of the accused, so far. Please keep in mind what the elite media itself does not when a Republican is involved — that unless otherwise noted, these stand only as allegations.

16. Garrison Keillor – National Public Radio Icon

Fired over allegations of inappropriate behavior.

15. Matt Lauer – NBC News Anchor

Fired for sexual misconduct.

14. Charlie Rose – CBS/PBS News Anchor

Fired over numerous allegations of harassment, misconduct, and groping.

13. Glenn Thrush – New York Times White House Correspondent

On suspension over multiple allegations of harassment and unwanted touching.

12. Mark Halperin – Bloomberg/NBC News Commentator

Fired over numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, unwanted sexual touching.

11. Lockhart Steele – Editorial Director Vox Media

Fired over allegation of sexual harassment.

10. Unnamed Employee – Vox Media

Resigned over allegations of sexual harassment.

9. David Corn – MSNBC Contributor/Washington Bureau Chief for Mother Jones

Multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, unwanted touching.

8. Michael Oreskes – Senior Vice President and Editorial Director for NPR

Numerous allegations of sexual misconduct.

7. Leon Wiesletier – Three Decades as Literary Editor at the New Republic

Numerous allegations of sexual harassment.

6. Hamilton Fish – Publisher New Republic

Numerous allegations of sexual harassment.

5. Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone

Confessed in non-fiction memoir to the sexual abuse and the enabling of the abuse of female staffers. Now says he made it all up.

4. Jann Wenner – Rolling Stone Owner

Accused of sexual misconduct.

3. Ian Prior – Senior Editor the Guardian

Allegations of sexual harassment, groping.

2. Unnamed Guardian Employee

Allegations of sexual harassment, groping.

  1. Matt Sullivan – Guardian

Fired over allegations of sexual misconduct, groping.

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