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ISIS Takes Small Boy And Has Him Hack The Arms Off A ‘Spy,’ Then Slit His Throat And Stand On His Decapitated Head

ISIS has released another video showing a small boy executing a spy. The pictures show as the boy hacks the man’s arms off, then slits his throat, cuts his head off and stands on it:

A GRUESOME ISIS video shows a young child no older than ten standing on the decapitated head of an alleged spy.

In what could be the terror group’s most brutal propaganda release to date, the boy then threatens infiltrators with the same fate.

The video, thought to have been filmed in Khorasan Province, a mountainous border region stretching across parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, begins with the man being interrogated.

Wearing an orange jumpsuit as many ISIS prisoners are made to do, he is then dragged into the woods and his arms chained to two trees.

The tiny boy – dressed in camouflage gear – formed part of the execution party which ended his life so barbarically.

First, two older boys, who appeared to be in their late teens, stepped forward and chopped off his arms with giant swords.

One of the boys then decapitated the victim with a hunting knife before the smaller one placed his tiny boot on the man’s head and delivered his clearly-coached speech.

The man is said to have been a US spy and the executioners were orphans whose parents were said to have been killed in airstrikes.

The alleged spy was dealt with in gruesome fashion by his ISIS captors after he was arrested for passing information to Pakistani and US forces in Afghanistan.

With ISIS close to complete defeat in Iraq and Syria, reports indicate the terror group intends to relocate its caliphate to Afghanistan, exploiting the country’s ongoing civil war to continue its legacy of terror. (source)

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