Jesus' Coming Back

Islamic Terrorists Who Beheaded Twenty One Christians Have Just Been Sentenced To Death By The Egyptian Government

By Walid Shoebat

The ISIS terrorists who beheaded 21 Egyptian Christian Copts have just been sentenced to death by an Egyptian court. Here we have two different people, the terrorists and the authorities of justice. The latter of the two are Muslim, but nonetheless are righteous, which means that not all Muslims are violence criminals or terrorists, and we we should remember this just as Christ reminded the Jews that a Samaritan can be our neighbor. Here is the report, from the Indian Express:

A court in Egypt on Saturday gave the death penalty to seven people and sent 10 more to life in prison for beheading 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya and for joining a terrorist organisation affiliated to the Islamic State. The Cairo Criminal Court also sent three others to 15 years in prison in the same case.

The court found that the convicts had joined the “Marsa Matrouh cell”, which is affiliated to IS in Libya. They were also found guilty of joining training camps in Libya and Syria, planning terrorist attacks in Egypt, possessing weapons, inciting violence and participating in the killing of 21 Christians in Libya in 2015.

The court ordered that all convicts, except those sentenced to death, remain under police surveillance for five years after serving their sentences, local media reports said. The sentencing came a day after the deadliest terrorist attack on worshippers at a mosque in Egypt’s restive North Sinai region. The death toll in the attack today rose to 305.

The Egyptian security forces, meanwhile, have continued their air strikes against terrorists involved in the attack. Army spokesperson Tamer el-Refai said in a statement said that the Air Force destroyed a number of terrorist hideouts and the Army was conducting raids to eliminate terrorists.

Jesus Christ is King

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