Jesus' Coming Back

John Piper Addresses Racial Tensions in U.S.

John Piper Addresses Racial Tensions in U.S.

In a live internet broadcast, “Together for Good? My Burden for our Racial Brokenness,”John Piper spoke mainly to white evangelicals about the fury of racial tension our nation has undergone in recent years. He has weighed in on many ethical issues our nation continues to face head on, such as thelottery crazeand most recently the Nashville Statement.But the issue of racial tension seemed to move the former pastor of 33 years to tears at certain points during the live feed.

“Increasingly, minorities have asked, what does it mean to be authentically us …while being associated with a dominant white form of a big God theology,” Piper said.

Piper sited six events that have sent shock waves through our country over the last year, stirring tensions to an all-time high: Michael Brown and Ferguson; the emergence of Donald Trump, and the white evangelicals that voted for him despite glaring character issues; Charlottesville, Confederate monuments; knees taken in protest to the National Anthem by NFL athletes.

“Many of our minority brothers and sisters feel perplexed at best and disillusioned,” Piper continued.

Christian rapper, Lecrae, recently cut all ties with the title “Christian Evangelism,” citing racial and denominational tension. He claims the movement has dealt poorly with racial injusticein this country. Lecrae also lost a large chunk of his fan base as he began to speak out about racism in America. This might explain why Piper chose to aim this broadcast at this particular group of listeners.

“The process is proving that the roots of his union with Christ are deep enough not to be torn up by the trials of these sad days. And I would add to thankfulness, hope. I feel hope,”Piper said of Lecrae’s disassociation. 

Throughout his broadcast, Piper addressed concerns over the President’s divisive tactics and modern churches and ministries being highly influenced by the current culture. He described the theology behind the diversity that God has designed, and the natural tension that occurs when cultures collide.

Piper stated that one culture is not the answer, but that we all have to own the tension that threatens to divide us, in search of the communality that has brought us together. And for Christians, Piper said, that common thread is Jesus Christ.

Fearing the misinterpretation of his message, Piper was clear to pause and reiterate what he did not want to be taken away from his voicing of concern over the racial divide in this country:

May God spare us from a return to segregated, so-called separate but equal.

Piper’s message of peace and unity in the name of Jesus Christ across all cultural divides was crystal clear, and his prayer for healing and hope sincere. 

Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: December 1, 2017

Jesus Christ is King

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