Jesus' Coming Back

Two familiar Democratic names tied to possible immigration Scam

This could get very interesting very quickly. There has been some recurrent talk about a possible 2020 run by former Virginia Governor and long time Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe. But if a recently filed lawsuit gains any sort of traction, trouble may be coming for both families.

The Daily Caller picked up the story of a group of Chinese investors who are suing both McCauliffe and Tony Rodham, brother of Hillary, claiming that they were defrauded in an immigration scam involving a company McAuliffe founded nearly a decade ago. Chinese investors hoping to benefit from the EB-5 visa program dumped more than a half million dollars each into the firm with the expectation that there would be green cards available for them in short order. Now, with the company on the rocks and their immigration status in peril, they feel that they’ve been ripped off.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow link below to a related story:

Terry McAuliffe And Tony Rodham Sued Over Green Card Investment ‘Scam’

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