Jesus' Coming Back

Two Hundred And Fifty Nine Schools In Canada Can No Longer Participate In Operation Christmas Child Because It Offends Homosexuals

By Theodore Shoebat

Two hundred and fifty nine schools in Canada will not be allowed to participate in Operation Christmas Child. Why? Because it offends sodomites. This is just another evidence as to how much the sodomites control society. This is why sodomites are worthy of death, because if you do not extirpate them, they will work to exterminate Christians. As we read in one report:

Schools in Newfoundland and Labrador will no longer be participating in a popular holiday charity.

The province’s English School District has directed all schools to cease participation in Operation Christmas Child, a campaign that gives schools and individuals the opportunity to fill a shoebox with small gifts to send to children in need in more than 150 countries.

The campaign is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, a non-denominational evangelical organization.

District trustees voted at a public meeting on Nov. 25 to end any provincial school participation in the program after concerns were raised about the policies of Samaritan’s Purse.

“This organization is on record with its statement of beliefs that it requires its co-ordinating volunteers to sign statements of faith that are in direct conflict with our inclusive philosophy, particularly as it pertains to the LGBT community,” said director of education Tony Stack.

“For example, a child with two moms or two dads, unfortunately, has been put in the position of choosing between fitting in and partaking with other classmates in an activity, or supporting an organization opposed to the very existence of that very child’s family unit.”

Jesus Christ is King

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