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MSNBC’s Ruhle: Could Franken Ouster Lead to Trump’s Impeachment?

Thursday on MSNBC, host Stephanie Ruhle wondered if Fox News host Laura Ingraham was right that Democrats called for the resignation of Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) over sexual misconduct accusations as a political calculation that could eventually lead to the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Partial transcript as follows:

RUHLE: We can talk all day long about how unpopular President Trump is—he is a political Svengali. An unpopular, completely unqualified, morally reprehensible person became president of the United States. I cannot believe—lightning’s going to strike me, I’m saying this—I want to share what Laura Ingraham had to say. Watch this. I can’t even believe I’m playing this.


INGRAHAM: They’ve come down with a sudden case of feverish morality, but what it really is nothing more than a political calculation by the Dems. It sets the precedent for the Democrats to try to drive Roy Moore from office should he win the Alabama Senate race. And, two, this is the next step in the quest to impeach President Trump.


RUHLE: I feel like lightning is going to strike me. Does Laura Ingraham have a point here? Democrats are going—Al Franken could be the sacrificial lamb and say, look at the moral high ground we found. Doesn’t it take one simple moment for Republicans to turn around and say reminder, you stood behind Bill Clinton for 40 years.

PESCA: I think the accusation is they’re trying to grab the moral high ground but I think they did it. Twenty years ago is 20 years ago. There’s nothing you can do about Bill Clinton now. But you have Farenthold there, a Republican in the House of Representatives. You have the president. What are you Republicans doing about it, right? The people of Alabama can vote and that’s a democratic process. Now you have the exact same situation. There’s no analogous situation to a president who served three terms ago and now evidence is coming out. You have exactly analogous situation there in the House. You’re doing nothing about it. So let the people decide what the parties stand for.

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