Jesus' Coming Back

Planned Parenthood Uses Birth Control Containers as Christmas Ornaments

Planned Parenthood Uses Birth Control Containers as Christmas Ornaments

One might think that Planned Parenthood wouldn’t even make a point of celebrating Christmas, but one Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado is taking the Christian holiday and giving it their own spin. reports that the Salida, Colorado Planned Parenthood is selling ornaments made from birth control cases as well as wreaths made from condoms in order to raise money for their cause.

Salida Planned Parenthood manager Shelley Schreiner said the fundraiser is called the “Giving Tree,” and is a way for the clinic to recycle unused birth control cases and condoms while also raising funds.

Local artists and members of the community came out for the clinic’s third annual craft night to create the items for the clinic to sell.

“For every box of six packs of birth control pills we get, we get six plastic compacts. But most people reuse their compact month to month, so we had literally hundreds of them sitting around the clinic,” Schreiner explained.

“We couldn’t just throw them away, so we decided to paint a few to look like Christmas tree ornaments and put them in the lobby for donation. We ended up raising over $3,000, so in 2016 we decided to have a reception and invite the community,” she continued.

Schreiner also said that the funds raised in the past have gone to pay for low-cost IUDs for women.

Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Stockbyte

Publication date: December 7, 2017

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