Jesus' Coming Back

AMNESTY WATCH: Pelosi Demands DACA Fix Before ‘Reign of Terror’ Sweeps Up DREAMers

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Democrats are still unwilling to leave for the holidays without a DACA fix, declaring today that “we’re not going to turn this country into a reign of terror of domestic enforcement …and have the DREAMers pay that price.”

Thirty-four House Republicans sent a letter Tuesday to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) calling for a solution to save 800,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals beneficiaries from deportation before the end of the year.

Pelosi said at her weekly press conference today that a DACA agreement is one of Democrats’ priorities, but “Democrats are not willing to shut the government down — no.”

“We’ve said to the president the night he agreed to the DACA legislation that we have a responsibility to protect our border, and we find — think are many things we can do working together to do that. And members have been working in a bipartisan way to address that,” she said later. “So we’re not backing off anything, including meeting the needs of protecting our border.”

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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