Jesus' Coming Back

BOOMSHELL ALERT: Roy Moore Accuser Admits Altering Yearbook Entry

The woman who showed her high school yearbook bearing Roy Moore’s signature as evidence that he knew her on Friday admitted that she wrote notes on the page herself while still insisting that his John Hancock was legit.

Beverly Young Nelson, the ex-waitress who charged that Moore groped her when she was 16 and he was in his 30s, told ABC News that she added the date and location of when and where he signed it.

Her notes say “12-22-77” and “Olde Hickory House,” the restaurant where Nelson worked and where she said the GOP Alabama Senate candidate was at that time a frequent customer.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links below to related stories/opinions:

Yeesh: I wrote the part of that yearbook inscription under Roy Moore’s signature, says accuser

Bombshell: Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson Admits She Forged Yearbook

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate

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