Jesus' Coming Back

EXCLUSIVE – Roy Moore: I Will Bring Alabama Values – American Values – to D.C.

Birmingham, ALABAMA — Speaking in an exclusive interview less than 48-hours before election day, Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore affirmed that a vote for him is a vote for “Alabama values,” which he described as an ideology that “believe(s) in America.”

During the interview, Moore explained that every Senate vote matters and that his election could be critical in determining the future composition of the Supreme Court as well as the enactment of President Donald Trump’s legislative agenda.

Moore was speaking in an interview that aired Sunday night on this reporter’s weekend talk radio show, Aaron Klein Investigative Radio, broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM.

Listen to the full interview here:

Moore explained what he means by bringing “Alabama values” to Washington, D.C.:

It is a strong faith in God to control the destiny of our country. It is a strong faith in God that controls the morality of individuals. It is the right to keep and bear arms. The right to strengthen our military. We are a very militaristic state … We are very strong in supporting the military, and we have a large National Guard contingent, and Reserves.

“We believe in America. We believe in what it is founded upon. These are the values that Alabama citizens hold dear, and we are going to keep those values.”

Moore noted that there could be one or two Supreme Court vacancies in the next two years and that the results of Tuesday’s special election in Alabama may play a role in future Senate confirmations of conservative candidates. It was once again made clear that every Senate vote matters when Sen. John McCain cast the deciding vote that killed the most recent ObamaCare repeal effort.

With regard to the Supreme Court, Moore told me that “this is probably the most important thing that we can look at because we are going to have one or two vacancies soon.”

He continued:

And the way we have allowed the Supreme Court to usurp the Constitution we’ve got to get back to constitutional construction of the original intent of our founding fathers. If we don’t, if we continue to let liberal judges in there, we will lose our right to keep and bear arms. Our right to worship God according to the dictates of our conscience and our right to privacy. These things are very important to the American people and we are at a critical stage of our history.

Moore described the Alabama Senate election as “a very important election” that will signal the future direction of the Trump agenda.

“It is watched not only by the state of Alabama, not only by the United States, but it is watched outside of the country,” he said.

“And I think it is a very big signal as to which direction we are going to go in the future with regard to electing senators of the United States. Are we going to continue what is being done at now? And I think that is a bad thing. The delay, the stagnancy, the refusal to move forward on new proposals. I think we need to move on things while we have the opportunity to do so.”

Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

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