Ann Coulter: Alabama ‘Was a Disaster Starting with Mitch McConnell’; GOP Must Prioritize ‘Winning Issue’ of Immigration, Building the Wall
Republicans and President Trump must prioritize the “winning issue” of immigration enforcement, border security, and building the wall if they want to avoid losing like they did in Alabama, said bestselling author Ann Coulter on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Tonight.
Coulter explained the centrality of illegal immigration to the nation’s political fortunes during a discussion with SiriusXM hosts and Breitbart senior editors-at-large Joel Pollak and Rebecca Mansour.
Immigration is the “winning issue,” said Coulter.
“I want everyone involved, here — Donald Trump, or President Kushner, Mitch McConnell, and all you guys at Breitbart and anyone who cares about the country — to notice if you’re going to primary somebody, or if there’s an open seat, our candidate is the one who’s respectable, reasonably articulate, and good on immigration; that is the winning issue,” explained Coulter.
“It isn’t being anti-establishment. It isn’t being anti-McConnell. It isn’t being pro-establishment. It is immigration, and we’ve seen that for twenty years, now. Every time you give Americans a chance to vote on immigration, they vote for a lot less. Democrats, many Republicans, and the broader left seek to accelerate the rate of demographic change wrought via existing immigration (both lawful and unlawful) and refugee admission policies.”
Anti-establishment sentiment, said Pollak, overlaps with popular opposition to the status quo of immigration: “The base doesn’t want [to preserve the status quo of immigration], and the establishment does.”
Coulter exposited on the disconnect between popular opposition to the status quo of immigration with widespread support for its maintenance and expansion among politicians.
“I’ve never seen an issue where the public is so clearly on one side,” explained Coulter. “They will reward any politician who says, ‘Eliminate anchor babies. Build the wall. Cut welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.’ Give the public any immigration issue to vote on, and they will come out overwhelmingly against it, and the politicians just ignore them. For Pete’s sake, we just elected Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the president because he ran on building a wall. What else do we have to do to say we want a wall and whole lot less immigration?”
President Donald Trump must prioritize immigration enforcement and border security to preserve Republican political fortunes in 2018, said Coulter.
“If he makes Democrats and Republicans vote on the wall, vote anchor babies, extend the Muslim ban, if he renegotiates NAFTA, it doesn’t matter about ‘The Year of the Woman,’ Republicans will be just fine,” said Coulter. “If he keeps on the course he’s on right now it’ll be a blow out for the Democrats … [Donald Trump] could sell Ivanka merchandise from the White House if he would just build the wall.”
Speaking of his experience as an immigrant, Pollak spoke of the gradual process of assimilation and the appeal of left-wing policies targeting new arrivals pushed by Democrats.
“It takes a long time for people who come to this country for the opportunities it provides to understand why those opportunities exist; to understand rule of law, to understand limited government,” said Pollak. “And we get it, but the first reaction I think many of us have when we arrive is while this country can do so much, why can’t it do more? So there’s this attraction to what the Democrats do, because they want to do more with government: offer more, take care of more, and it takes a while to realize that none of that stuff works.”
Assimilation to American values among immigrants is essential for national cohesion and continuity, said Coulter: “Freedom is a wonderful thing, but it is a very hard thing to learn. You do have to become assimilated to the idea of freedom and individual rights.”
Coulter’s 2016 book “Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole” examines the destructive impacts of contemporary mass immigration.
Roy Moore’s senatorial campaign failed in part because of the former judge’s negligence in highlighting the centrality of immigration issues, Coulter explained.
“[Roy Moore] was not our candidate,” said Coulter. “But he and an awful lot of spokesmen — I hope he’s not listening, I don’t want to insult a fellow Christian — were not that impressive. I mean, he didn’t even seem to know what DACA was. Immigration was not his issue.”
Alabama’s special senate election on Tuesday was a “disaster,” said Coulter, pointing to Senate Mitch McConnell’s political machinations as a primary cause.
“It was a disaster starting with Mitch McConnell opposing Mo Brooks,” said Coulter. “[Brooks] was the Trumpian candidate. He was Jeff Sessions in the House of Representatives. He’s been fantastic on immigration, totally respectable member of Congress, and he was running for Sessions’ seat. But no, Mitch McConnell throws millions dollars against Mo Brooks so he can support this guy Luther Strange.”
Strange, explained Coulter, “was with McConnell and supported DACA, which will be an amnesty for absolutely everyone south of the border as previous amnesties have demonstrated, no matter what rules are in the law.”
“Mitch McConnell really undermined the rightful heir to the Sessions seat,” continued Coulter. “Idiotically, the emperor god Trump joined him. Trump’s entire administration is being destroyed by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. So now Trump has been humiliated twice in Alabama, a state he won by nearly a three-to-one margin just a year ago.”
Contrary to ubiquitous analyses blaming Breitbart News’ Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon across left-wing news media outlets, Coulter described Bannon as “the least culpable” figure in Doug Jones’ electoral win in Alabama:
Bannon is the least culpable! Order of blame: 1) McConnell; 2) Kushner; 3) Trump [August 15: Primary – Mo Brooks killed by those 3 ganging up on him]; August 18: Bannon leaves the White House, backs best of bad options.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) December 13, 2017
Breitbart News Tonight is broadcast live on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 from 9:00p.m. to midnight Eastern (6-9:00p.m. Pacific).
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