Multi-Campus Church Debuts New 3D Experience To Make It Feel Like Pastor Is Actually There

BELLINGHAM, WA—Experiences Church finally debuted its long-awaited 3D experience at each of its 12 campuses Sunday morning, with state-of-the-art VR goggles making it feel like the pastor of the church is actually there each and every week, churchgoers confirmed.
Each of the church’s 1,000 seats was equipped with a VR headset, with footage of Pastor Ryan rendered in real-time by a powerful PC.
“The effect is really convincing—very lifelike,” one church member said afterward. “You really feel like the man who is called to shepherd your soul is really there in the room with you—like you could actually reach out and touch him.”
The VR experience also includes the chance to interact with a 4K virtual rendering of the head pastor after the service, with advanced motion controllers and vibration feedback being used to make it feel like you are actually shaking his hand and getting a sidehug from the celebrity preacher, sources confirmed.
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