Jen Hatmaker Slams Bible With Scathing 1-Star Amazon Review

AUSTIN, TX—A man browsing Amazon for a Bible to purchase Monday reportedly noted that a particularly scathing one-star review of an ESV Thinline Edition was recently posted under the Amazon account “HatmakerHugsU.”
Our sources were able to confirm the Amazon user is in fact nationally known author and speaker Jen Hatmaker.
“You guyyyyyyyssssss, this book is just so problematic in a profoundly systemic way,” her review began. “I just don’t even know where to start—the elect privilege, the homophobia, the violence, the narrow-mindedness—everything in this book is just so deeply offensive to me and everything I hold dear.”
“Avoid at all costs,” the review concludes.
A second review by Hatmaker went on to complain about the Bible’s total lack of affirmation for the LBGTQ+ lifestyle and complete absence of any kind of mandate for evangelical celebrities to get rich and famous by denying biblical doctrine in favor of culturally popular opinions.
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