Jesus' Coming Back

Majority of Refugees Admitted into U.S. under Trump are Christian

Majority of Refugees Admitted into U.S. under Trump are Christian

Over the past year under the Trump administration, the majority of refugees admitted into the U.S. have been Christian.

This is a reversal of the religion of refugees who were admitted into the U.S. under President Obama. Under Obama, the majority of refugees were Muslim, but under Trump, 60 percent are Christian, reports the Washington Examiner.

Additionally, only 13 percent of refugees admitted into the U.S. this past year have been Muslim, making the Christian to Muslim ratio roughly six to one.

This trend appears consistent with President Trump’s travel ban, which restricts refugees from six predominantly Muslim countries, including Syria, Iran, Chad, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia, as well as North Korea.

Center for Immigration Studies Senior Researcher Nayla Rush tweeted some official statistics on refugee admittance:

Rush also noted, “The shift follows complaints by Christian groups that the Obama administration had overwhelmingly favored Muslims and ignored the plight of Christians, especially in Muslim nations.”

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Publication date: January 3, 2018

Jesus Christ is King

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