Jesus' Coming Back

DACA, DACA, Bo-Baca . . . The prospects of an amnesty deal are fading

President Trump met Thursday with Senate Republicans about a possible deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, President Obama’s lawless pen-and-phone amnesty that gave two-year renewable work permits to certain illegal aliens who arrived before age 16. There are about 700,000 of them, and the six-month grace period that President Trump gave them after canceling the program in September is fast running out.

There are three clusters of issues at play here.

DACA or Dream? First, what is the universe of people being considered for an amnesty? As I’ve noted here previously, there’s a tendency — inadvertent in some, intentional in others — to conflate the DACA population of perhaps 700,000 illegal aliens who have Obama work permits with the much larger group of “Dreamers,” which, depending on the bill, could add up to more than 3 million people. The point of such conflation by those who know what they’re doing is to use the smaller DACA group as a wedge to sneak through a multimillion-person amnesty.

Just this week, three former DHS secretaries under Bush and Obama (Chertoff, Napolitano, and Johnson) contributed to this strategy by publishing a pro-amnesty open letter that uses “Dream” and “DACA” synonymously.

Green Cards or Work Permits? The second issue is what kind of amnesty would the DACA people (or Dreamers) get? —>

Read the rest from Mark Krikorian HERE.

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