Jesus' Coming Back

16 Ways You Can Care for the Vulnerable This Year

16 Ways You Can Care for the Vulnerable This Year
The start of a new year is usually brimming with resolutions as to how we want to improve ourselves. Perhaps you desire to eat fewer carbs, spend less time at the office, spend more time at the gym, read more biographies, or take on a new hobby. While these are all worthy goals, as citizens of heaven, I think we should resolve to improve our pursuit of God’s kingdom on earth.

For the believer, our highest priority is to seek the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33). As we do this, our values will begin to reflect God’s values. Russell Moore says in Onward, “The kingdom tells us what matters and who matters, and that the criteria for that is sharply different from the social Darwinist values of success, power, utility, or strength.”

Valuing the vulnerable

God values the vulnerable, and one of the ways we can be more like him is to care for the vulnerable ones around us. We were all vulnerable in our inability to save ourselves from God’s wrath. But God didn’t abandon us in our vulnerability; he had compassion for us. He sent his son. In the book, You Can Change, Tim Chester says, “Jesus was God getting involved with us.”

God values the vulnerable, and one of the ways we can be more like him is to care for the vulnerable ones around us.

God is with us. He is Immanuel (Matt. 1:23) and is characterized by his compassion for us. As his image bearers (Gen. 1:27), we must be known by our compassion, too. Are we not ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20), representing him and his kingdom on earth? So, in response to the grace shown to us by our father, I pray we would get involved in the lives of the vulnerable as we seek to proclaim God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Here are a few ways to help the vulnerable.

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1. Become a Prayer Warrior

Fight on your knees. Pray for those in bondage. We do this because we worship the chain-breaking God. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools God has given us, and one way we can use this gift is to intercede on the behalf of those who are in need. Will you be a prayer warrior this year for those who are most vulnerable in our society?

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Jesus Christ is King

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