Worship Band Warms Up With ‘Smoke On The Water’ Riff For 42 Hours

PORTLAND, OR—While preparing for Sunday’s service at Submerge Church, the worship band warmed up to the first eight bars of popular Deep Purple hard rock tune “Smoke on the Water” for over 42 hours, sources confirmed Tuesday.
The worship band reportedly arrived at church Friday evening for a brief practice session, with second lead guitarist Will “Edgewater” Edgar picking out the riff to warm up his fingers and the rest of the band joining him in his impromptu jam until the moment church kicked off Sunday morning.
“It just felt right, you know?” Edgar told reporters while tuning his guitar up for second service Sunday morning. “The Spirit was moving, and if He wants us to play the same few bars over and over again to get ready for service, who are we to say no?”
Witnesses claim it was “deeply moving” to watch as bassist Eddie “Up the Irons” Willis joined in the riff after a few minutes of Edgar playing the melody’s four power chords, followed by drummer Bruce “The Beat” Appice, worship leader Braxton “The Beast” Paulson, and finally the worship band’s four other electric guitar players and tambourine enthusiast.
“It was mesmerizing,” backup singer Jennifer Swanson, who arrived at the practice 30 minutes late, said later. “They were straight killing it up there.”
At publishing time, the band had begun warming up for next Sunday’s service with the opening riff from “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and had shown no signs of stopping.
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