Jesus' Coming Back

Kelly: Trump Wants Chain Migration Limited to Nuclear Family, About $20 Billion for Wall Funding for DACA Deal

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” White House Chief of Staff John Kelly stated President Trump wants about $20 billion for wall funding and chain migration limited to the nuclear family in order to bless a DACA deal.

Anchor Bret Baier asked Kelly, “What does the president need to see on chain migration to bless a DACA deal?”

Kelly answered, “The president sees that we should control that — nuclear family, that people that qualify to come into the United States as immigrants, if they’re married, of course, their wife will come in. If they have minor children, the minor children will come in. But not the parents, not the extended families. So, that’s where he is right now. This is — you know, we can talk about this, but that’s where he is.”

Baier then asked how much would be needed for a border wall for Trump to okay a deal. Kelly answered it would be “about $20 billion.”

Kelly later said that “there’s no doubt in my mind” that there will be a DACA deal, “so long as men and women on both sides are willing to talk.”

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Jesus Christ is King

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