Jesus' Coming Back

Facebook Censors Alveda King’s Pro-life Documentary

Facebook Censors Alveda King’s Pro-life Documentary

Social media giant Facebook is once again under scrutiny for attempting to silence a conservative Christian agenda. Alveda King, MLK’s niece and pro-life activist, recently discovered that efforts to advertise her documentary had been removed by Facebook. The film, Roe vs. Wade, brings awareness to the “real untold story” of abortion in America. January 22 is the 45th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to allow abortion.

The Christian Post reported that Facebook lifted its ban, and in an emailed statement said, “the pro-life ad was originally disapproved in error and was correctly approved upon appeal.” Hollywood actors Jon Voight and Nick Loeb will star in the first-ever movie to, as Loeb told LifeNews, tell “the untold story of how [abortion activists] lied and manipulated Jane Roe, the media, and the courts into the decision to allow abortion in 1973.”

King, who serves as director of civil rights for the unborn at Priests for Life, told radio personality Tony Perkins in a special broadcast honoring National Religious Freedom Day, “They do not want the message of the injustice of abortion broadcast and they are trying to block that.” CSN News reported that “while discussing religious liberty in American and abroad, both Tony Perkins and Dr. King praised the power of social media to spread information and especially the Gospel.”

The movie has raised $57,216 out of its stated goal of $2 million. The Indiegogo crowdfunding page for the film dubs it “A true story of the most corrupt court case in history that led to the murder of 60 million babies.” A post on the page by RVW Film stated, “We need your support not more than ever. Facebook has banned us from inviting friends to ‘like’ our page and from ‘sharing’ our PAID ads.” quoted a statement by Jalesia McQueen, an executive producer of the movie: “It is outrageous that Facebook purports to be apolitical when there have been trends of blocking pages of conservative causes, such as our Roe v. Wade movie page.”

The Christian Post reported on an email statement from Facebook that said “that abilities of all the administrators for the page will be fully restored after being temporarily blocked for so-called ‘spam behavior.” But the question of the ability for information to circulate freely remains after an incident such as this.


Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: January 18, 2018

Jesus Christ is King

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