Jesus' Coming Back

Schumer: Dems Came to the View That ‘People Don’t Want the Government Shut Down for’ DREAMers

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that the Democrats in the Senate “came to the view that” if the government shutdown continued, the country would lose support for the shutdown and for the DREAMers because people “don’t want to the government shut down for” DREAMers.

Schumer said Democrats “advanced the cause.”

He continued that Democrats don’t control the levers of power and have to be strategic in how they push for DACA protection.

He added that while President Trump shut the government down, “all of us in the Democratic caucus, not just the moderates, but the liberals as well, came to the view that if we carried it on much longer, two things would happen: A. No one would budge. The public would lose support of the shutdown. The public does not like shutdowns. And we’d actually lose support for DREAMers, too. Because people love the DREAMers, but don’t want the government shut down for it. So, we cut the best deal that we could.”

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Jesus Christ is King

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