Jesus' Coming Back

Is Trump a Nazi or was it Obama?

By Keith Davies
Political Commentator for

Prior to Donald Trump announcing his candidacy for president the media were his best friend. Trump had a huge reality TV show with NBC who are now his worst enemy. Trump had on his cell phone contact list nearly every major news producer telephone number from right across the political spectrum. He was apolitical and the best friend with all the media. Today he is their enemy number one because he became a Republican candidate and subsequently elected as a Republican.

The left wing leadership of the Democrat party and the so called main stream media have been shrieking at the top of their voice about the Nazism and racism of Donald Trump as a candidate and now as president. The media rhetoric is louder than a bullhorn. The words spoken by Donald trump are twisted by the left, yet the actions of a fascist do not seem to bare any evidence as facts have no bearing on what today’s media wish to report.

The glaring examples of the twisting of his words were his famous Mexican immigrant speech when he described criminals coming across the Southern border when he DID NOT say “all” Mexicans and qualified his statements real time to only talk about “bad hombres,” yet the main stream media mischaracterized his statements and painted him as a racist.

Another example was his statement following the Charlottesville riots when President Trump referred to both sides of the argument which he was specifically referring the violence of both sides as well as to the tearing down of statues of historical figures associated with the Confederate side of the Civil war, yet again the media deliberately misconstrued the Presidents views and words to paint their own false narrative of the president as a “White Supremacist”. We all know the antifa and Black lives matter people are just as hateful as white supremacists but our enlightened media think otherwise. These are just two examples and evidence of the medias dishonorable bias.

Now let us turn the clock back a little further:

During the transition period between the election and the first six months of the Trump administration we all remember the unauthorized leaks that were undermining the Trump administration on a daily basis. Much of these leaks came from the Obama left overs from the previous administration. Now we know nearly a year later what was happening both during the campaign and since Trump was sworn in as President, and what we now know is that the real fascists and Nazis’ were Obama and his willing supporters.

Even prior to knowing what is about to come out in detail next week with the FISA memo, the hints of such despicable police tactics have already been known to us but weak kneed Republicans with no leadership (i.e. no Donald Trump type leader) failed to push back. The scandals of supplying money to terrorists as per Shoebat research, Fast and Furious scandal of supplying illegal weapons to the drug cartels as to undermine the second amendment, the IRS scandal and the Benghazi cover-up have all be exposed but no prosecution or consequences for the perpetrators is a scandal in itself.

Next week and over the following several months the real Nazism and fascism of the Obama administration and his Democrat/RINO swamp will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the undemocratic and police type state that has been running our government for the prior eight years under Barrack Obama.

Freedom of the press is another cry from the left that Trump is “suppressing the media.” And how is Trump painted as the demagogue: he dares to criticize the media and push back against false personal attacks against him, his family and phony unconfirmed stories that try to tarnish his reputation. He fights back and uses his own first amendment rights to defend himself. His own first amendment rights are the very things the media criticize as his attack on “free speech.” The media cannot point to one thing that Trump has actually done to prevent Freedom of the press other than President Trump’s willingness to fight back against their lies. Our media has the right to free speech and is able to lie with impunity because of our very protective laws that make it nearly impossible to defend against slander or liable, especially if you are a public figure. We experienced this same difficulty when we were slandered by CNN several years ago.

Then we have the duplicitous behavior of the Obama administration who actually used Nazi style tactics against the media and there was virtually no push back by the media and in some circumstances the media helped in the suppression of their own rights. There is the case of Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter who was exposing the Obama administration on Benghazi. Her computers were hacked by the FBI and Justice department and intimidated; she later resigned from CBS because her own network failed to back her in her work as an investigative journalist. In other words CBS political bias for the Obama administration was more important than their fourth estate obligations to protect the public from an all-powerful government. Then there is James Rosen a prominent Fox News reporter who was declared “an enemy of the state” and threatened with prosecution. There was the New York Times reporter James Risen who was threatened with legal action in order to reveal sources. Dinesh D’Souza the conservative journalist and film maker was selectively prosecuted and given a prison term for a minor election infraction which would normally only get a fine, this because of his film “Obama’s America” which exposed Obama. We ourselves at believe we were targeted and believe our phones were tapped during the time we were exposing Obama with his terrorist ties, Benghazi and other exposes we were writing about on during the Obama administration.

Obama and the top echelon of his administration are about to be exposed as the worst perpetrators of Gestapo style tactics comparable to actors of a police state who have shredded our constitutional values. Up to now Obama was proven to undermine the first and second amendments but it appears he has now added the undermining of our fourth amendment rights too.

Now we have Donald Trump who has the courage to stand up to the real Nazis who are about to be exposed and hopefully all involved will be brought to justice. All includes Hillary Clinton, her husband, her top advisors, the leaders and high officials both at the Department of Justice and the FBI. Unfortunately Obama is probably protected by executive privilege but he is the biggest crook of them all. At least he will lose his already tattered reputation. If the truth does not come out and justice is not administered will mean the end of the United States as a Constitutional Republic and a huge blow for freedom around the world.

Jesus Christ is King

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