Jesus' Coming Back

Was the Super Blue Blood Moon a Sign of the End Times?

Was the Super Blue Blood Moon a Sign of the End Times?

This morning, January 31, many people enjoyed the unique sight of the super blue blood moon that graced the skies.

As previously reported, supermoons occur when the moon is closer to the earth in its rotation, making it appear bigger than usual. A supermoon will appear up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter. The “blue” part occurs due to Earth’s dark shadow.

This rare occurrence has many Christians speculating that it could be a sign of the end times.

“Christians believe the upcoming super blue blood moon which will dazzle the skies [on January 31,] along with the supermoon that kicked off the year on January 1, are signs from God that 2018 will be a ‘biblical’ year, as it also marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of Israel,” notes Express. further explains: “If the Great American Eclipse was the darkened sun piece of the puzzle, perhaps this blood moon is the missing piece, which could mean the Day of the LORD begins soon, perhaps even this year. What makes this Super-Blue-Blood Moon even more amazing is that approximately two-thirds of the world’s population will be able to see some or all of the total phase of the eclipse.

However, Jennifer LeClaire, writing for Charisma News, acknowledges that, while we should recognize what is going on in the world, we should also remember that no one can predict Christ’s return.

“Yes, we should recognize the signs of the times. Yes, we should live like there’s no tomorrow, spreading the gospel and raising up disciples with signs and wonders following. But the Second Coming debate can be a massive distraction and can actually paralyze the saints from fulfilling the Great Commission,” she writes.

“Remember,” she continues. “Jesus Himself said plainly, ‘But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone’ (Matt. 24:36). How much clearer can He get? If the angels don’t know and the Son doesn’t know, who are these false prophets to work up formulas and fiction to drive traffic to their website so they can collect advertising dollars?”

Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Chayanan

Publication date: January 31, 2018

Jesus Christ is King

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