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Kelli Ward: Ronald Reagan’s Biggest Regret Was Granting Amnesty and Trusting Congress on Border Security

“President Reagan’s biggest regret as president was granting amnesty and then trusting Congress to deliver on border security,” said 2018 Republican Senate candidate Kelli Ward, expressing opposition to the White House’s recently released amnesty proposal.

Ward’s comments came in an interview with Breitbart News’s Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday.


“We have to learn from our history,” advised Ward. “In 1986, Ronald Reagan–great president, amazing conservative, lover of liberty and of America–granted amnesty; and Ed Rollins, who is helping me with my campaign, told me that President Reagan’s biggest regret as president was granting amnesty and then trusting Congress to deliver on border security. It didn’t happen then, and it’s not going to happen now if we do this in the wrong order.”

Amnesty advocates seek to mislead Americans with the euphemisms “permanent solution” and “comprehensive immigration reform” as rhetorical rebrandings of amnesty, said Ward.

“A ‘permanent solution’ is amnesty,” said Ward. “Just the same way that ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ is code for amnesty, so is ‘permanent solution.’”

Read the rest from Robert Kraychik HERE

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