‘Passion Of The Christ’ Sequel To Feature Jesus Helping Founders Establish America

HOLLYWOOD, CA—According to industry sources, director Mel Gibson’s highly anticipated sequel to The Passion of the Christ will center around the resurrected Jesus traveling to the Western Hemisphere to help the Founding Fathers establish the United States of America—God’s chosen nation.
Actor Jim Caviezel will reprise his role as Jesus Christ, now resurrected from the dead and building His Kingdom on earth, guiding America’s early leaders in laying the foundation of the capitalist democratic republic that would contain God’s covenant people.
Sources confirm that recording artist Lee Greenwood has signed on to the project to play himself, singing an emotional rendition of “God Bless the U.S.A.” as our Lord and Savior oversees the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The Passion of the Christ 2: An American Tale is set to begin filming this summer.
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