Jesus' Coming Back

Watch The Last Moments Of Russian Pilot Air Force Major Roman Filippov Surrounded By Muslim Terrorist Bastards

By Walid Shoebat

Videos of the last moments of Air Force Major Roman Filippov surfaced. He was armed with only a handgun and grenades, surrounded by Muslim terrorists shooting at him as he glided in his parachute being shot at by whom Russia calls “terrorists” and the U.S. simply calls “Anti-Assad rebels.”

So which is it? Who brought down the jet, ‘terrorists’ or ‘rebels’? The videos tell us the obvious:

The strange thing is that not much has been made of this incident in either the American or Russian press beyond photos and social media postings of the dead pilot and the burning jet. Both Russia and the U.S., are quiet about it.

The US denies that it equipped any force in Syria with surface-to-air weapons, but can they deny that they call these Muslim terrorists simply as ‘anti-Assad rebels’?

The US is equipping a 30,000-strong “border force” (mainly Kurds) to launch attacks on the anti-ISIS anti-Jihadi Assad regime. The pro-Jihad Turkey brands the Kurdish YPG as ‘terrorists’ while the US brands them as ‘ally’. These are being attacked by a full-scale Turkish offensive in the Kurdish enclave. At the same time, Syrian government forces, backed by Russia, began their own attacks on Western-aligned ‘militias’ (correction: terrorists) seeking to cling onto what remains of opposition-controlled territory.

All this is brewing and furthering more escalations while they all claim to be “fighting against ISIS”.

So we have an all-out fighting between NATO ally Turkey and the US proxy forces in Syria, Russian forces against Muslim ‘rebels’ with the presence of hundreds of American troops based in Manbij.

Or is this war all about the U.S., Russia, Iran and Turkey are all maneuvering to ensure they have a permanent presence and influence in Syria?

So we have an Al Qaeda-aligned militias openly collaborate with the US. We have a US collaborating with pro-Caliphate Turkey while claiming they care about the Kurds.

Its all so confusing, unless of course, this war has nothing to do with terrorism.

And its obvious from these videos who shot the Russian Jet. Does “Allah Akbar” screamed by bearded Islamists sound like these are an ‘ally’?

Are there any fools out there who still believe that there is such a thing as a ‘war on terror’?

Of course, such fools constitute the majority.

Fools are plentiful.

But fact is, that there is nether Sunni nor Shiite, Republican nor Democrat … there are only the ‘wise’ and the ‘fools’.

Still confused?

Jesus Christ is King

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