Trudeau actually corrects woman to say ‘peoplekind’ instead of ‘mankind’ (VIDEO)

Justin Trudeau interrupted a woman complaining about Canada’s restrictive regulations on religious volunteers to tell her to use the term ‘peoplekind’ instead of ‘mankind.’
The Canadian Prime Minister was hosting a Q&A at MacEwan University in Edmonton on Friday as part of his cross-country tour which began last month.
Trudeau was listening to a complaint by a woman from a church who wanted him to look at the restrictions Canada has on people who want to volunteer for religious organizations.
He wasn’t joking: Justin Trudeau interrupts woman during Q&A when she used the word “mankind.” He recommended that she say “peoplekind” instead.
— Andy C. Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 5, 2018
“We have received many awards, however, unfortunately in Canada, our volunteering as a religious charitable organization is extremely difficult,” said the woman.
“We came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislations so that it can also be changed because maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind.”
READ MORE: ‘Sons’ vs ‘all of us’: Canada’s anthem is now ‘gender-neutral’
Which is precisely where Trudeau jumped in to explain that “we like to say peoplekind.”
“We like to say peoplekind, not necessarily mankind,” the prime minister mansplained.
READ MORE: Trudeau or not Trudeau: Can you pick out Canadian leader’s socks? (QUIZ)
The PM, who is a vocal feminist, advocate for gender equality and responsible for Canada’s first gender-balanced cabinet, was trolled mercilessly on Twitter for the ridiculous correction, leaving many wondering where the politically correct war on the English language will stop.
Trudeau mansplaining to a young girl not to use the word “mankind” is peak Leftism.
— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) February 5, 2018
Justin Trudeau is what would happen if the song “Imagine” took human form and then ate a Tide Pod.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 6, 2018
The big thing about Trudeau’s #peoplekind comment is that it’s not a word. It’s not in any dictionary. The man is so painfully politically correct he literally invented a new word just to chew out some woman. But I guess it was also her fault for asking him a question.
— J.J. McCullough (@JJ_McCullough) February 6, 2018
Breaking. Justin Trudeau tells DC Comics that Batman will not be allowed in Canada unless they change the name to Batpeople.
— Joe Biggs (@Rambobiggs) February 6, 2018
FWIW “peoplekind” is indeed dumb and pointless. But the obnoxious part is how Trudeau felt entitled to interrupt a woman mid-sentence to correct her
— Robyn Urback (@RobynUrback) February 6, 2018
Justin Trudeau’s term, “peoplekind,” is also sexist.
“People” is plural for “person.”
See what I see?
What about daughters?
Per-SON is a gendered term, and therefore, “people” is too.
The correct term, if we do elect to use it, is:
— Ali A. Rizvi (@aliamjadrizvi) February 6, 2018
Always reluctant to call a Canadian Prime Minister stupid. Will just say #Trudeau’s insistence that Cdns use the term #peoplekind is daft.
— Charles Adler (@charlesadler) February 6, 2018
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