Jorge Ramos: GOP ‘Immigration Revenge’ Deal ‘Like Treason’

Amnesty for nearly two million so-called Dreamers is not good enough for Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, who claimed on Monday that Republicans this week will only offer an “immigration revenge” compromise that amounts to treason.
The prominent amnesty advocate who is plugged in with so-called Dreamers and left-wing activists also claimed that DACA recipients do not even want to get legalized unless their parents receive amnesty as well.
“What Republicans are asking from the Dreamers is like treason,” he said. “When they say they want to end ‘chain migration’, they are telling them: we’ll legalize you but I’ll deport your parents and siblings.”
What Republicans are asking from the Dreamers is like treason. When they say they want to end “chain migration”, they are telling them: we’ll legalize you but I’ll deport your parents and siblings. When someone mistreats your parents, you’ll remember it all your life.
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) February 12, 2018
One DACA recipient who recently protested at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) New York home during the government shutdown debate said this week that the amnesty fight “is not even about people with DACA status.”
“For undocumented immigrants like myself, who have undocumented parents, it’s very scary to accept a deal that does not include protections for my people. I think that’s why many of us are fighting. This fight is not even about people with DACA status. This fight is about respect, justice and dignity for all our families,” he said. He added that it has been 17 years since the Dream Act was introduced and so-called Dreamers are “angry” that Congress has still not passed a clean Dream Act.
“But it’s 2018 and the Dream Act was introduced in 2001. So for Republicans or Democrats to say that they need more time is very frustrating. People have waited 17 years and it’s not fair that we constantly have to be out there pushing for something,” he reportedly said. “We’re angry.”
President Donald Trump has indicated he is willing to give amnesty to nearly two million so-called Dreamers in exchange for funding for the border wall and limits to chain migration. But during a Monday evening appearance with Anderson Cooper on CNN after the Senate decided to debate the issue this week, Ramos said it is not going to be easy for Democrats to accept what Trump and the Republicans want because Republicans are offering dreamers “an impossible choice.”
He wondered if Republicans really “want to make America white again” and reverse demographic trends that will make America a majority-minority country to take the country back to 1965. Ramos also drew the line at a few hundred miles of a border wall in exchange for amnesty for nearly two million so-called Dreamers.
“DACA for just a few miles of wall, but nothing else,” Ramos said, adding that plan B could be “real immigration reform” after 2020, assuming Democrats defeat Trump and control Congress.
Any proposal that doesn’t include the 11M undocumented immigrants is NOT real immigration reform. Fact: they are here because of us so we better deal with reality and not fake news. A clean Dream Act could be the first step, but sooner or later we’ll have to deal with this.
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) February 12, 2018
A key to understand the Dreamers is that they don’t want to be legalized if that means that their parents and siblings could be deported. That’s why they want a clean Dream act. Yes, they’re generous and they’ll fight until the end.
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) February 12, 2018
By approving the latest spending bill Democrats lost all their leverage on immigration. Now they have to wait for Republicans to send their proposal, which won’t be immigration reform but immigration revenge.
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) February 12, 2018
Though Democrats for decades have not objected to limits on chain migration and reforms to the visa lottery system, they now believe those reforms in the age of Trump are meant to prevent people of color from entering the United States. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) has led the charge against the GOP’s demands, even calling Trump the “first racist president” who wants to end legal immigration while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) even said Trump’s amnesty compromise proposal is merely a “campaign to make America white again.”
Pro-immigration activists using the label “white supremacy” re: limits to family-based immigration and ending the diversity lottery weren’t saying that when some of those policies were in the 2013 Gang of 8 bill.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) February 12, 2018
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