Jesus' Coming Back

America Currently Is No Longer A Free Republic But A Corrupt Cesspool That Needs Major Correction

Keith Davies political correspondent

The Election of Donald Trump as President could be viewed as a miracle based on what we see now transpiring in front of our eyes. What is now obvious, to anyone who closely follows the real news (and not the propaganda from the “main stream media), would ascertain that our own federal institutions of justice are very corrupt indeed. Not only are they corrupt but the watchdogs which are meant to be the media were not only biased but actually conspired and participated in the conspiracy to frame Donald Trump as well as influenced the election of 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton but failed miserbly.

The reason the Main Stream Media will not cover the story of the phony FISA warrants and the Steele Dossier is not because of bias but many well-known journalists worked with Steele to try to legitimize the Dossier with bribes being actually paid to journalists by Fusion GPS according to report in the Washington Examiner.

Currently the United States is on the brink of self-destruction because we have had and continue to have people who are in power not to serve the people but to use the levers of power to provide themselves massive monetary gain and power for their self-aggrandizement, as well as serving their corporatist friends who supply them the tens of millions of dollars so the corporatists can maintain their billions. The people of America see this clearly and thereby by the skin of their noses were able to elect Donald Trump who is subservient to no one except to the people who elected him, which it is the way it should and always be. Donald Trump is hated for one reason only and that is he wishes to drain the swamp and give the power of Congress back to the people. The Political and Corporate elites hate him because he will reduce their power and allow the people their freedoms that are fast disappearing. It is ironic that Donald Trumps first and fourth amendment rights have been severely infringed both as a candidate and as President with the news that is hitting the headlines each and every day.

The one main obstacle to Donald Trump is the “Special Council” which will never be disbanded unless Donald Trump can fire Robert Mueller and the whole Clintonista task force on the council. Currently based on the politics and the advice of his legal team, Trump cannot fire Mueller. The Democrats know that the day the Special Council stops its business is the day Obama, Hillary and the rest of the elitist cronies which include many RINOS will be on their way to jail. The insurance policy that was mentioned by the disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok is this Special Council which was designed to deflect away the crimes of Clinton, Obama and the conspiracy they created within the FBI and DOJ. The Special Council is an affront to the freedom of the people of the United States. It was set up to attack a sitting president who is totally innocent of any collusion or any crime, and the same time will try to protect Hillary Clinton and Barry Obama. While news comes out every day about the criminal collusion of Hillary Clinton and Barry Obama the Special council should be investigating these outrageous breaches of our laws which go to the very core of our constitution but they do not and we all know why.

I believe once the Inspector General’s report comes out and the full gravity of malfeasance is opened up; not just to the well-informed but to the whole public (by the public I mean the ones that only get their information from Yahoo News or the Main TV networks) then the politics of the situation will change and President Trump will be in a great position to disband the Special Council, and begin to clean the swamp thoroughly along with some perp walks which hopefully will include Hillary Clinton and Barry Obama.

At this moment in time the country is on the precipice of sinking into an oligarchy, with corruption and political malfeasance that hinders all of our freedom. For the eight years of Barry Obama we have had to suffer so many scandals that directly impacted our freedom, which included the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, Fast and Furious which attempted to undermine our second amendment rights, the attack on journalists like James Rosen of Fox News and Sharyl Attkisson of CBS, the Obamacare lie which was the prelude to National healthcare designed to control a population, the take over of Libya to empower the Muslim Brotherhood, which ended in disaster and the Benghazi scandal and the payment of four hundred million in hard cash on a plane to terrorist Iran as a ransom payment which was illegal. There were more scandals but the bottom line there was no push back or consequences for Obama because the Republicans either were corrupt themselves or afraid to hold the Obama and the Democrats to account. Even today the Republicans failed to support Trump because they had also bought into the Russian Collusion nonsense. Obviously as the news continues to come out on the phony FISA warrant and Uranium One Clinton bribery more Republicans are willing to support the President but not enough for the mess to be cleaned up.

The latest phony indictments by the Special Council on indicting Russians they cannot arrest for a scheme that only requires our intelligence services to counter, not our courts. The media have used this non event to keep the Special Council going so it can continue forever which as outlined is the strategy to deflect from Obama and Hillary. Hopefully the IG report in March will stop this farce in its tracks, it better, if we are to survive as a Constitutional Republic.

The whole truth needs to come out, arrests of everybody involved in this malfeasance, complete new leadership at the FBI and DOJ and reform of laws to prevent the abuse by our intelligence agencies against any political candidate or citizen of the United States Democrat or Republican. There are other reforms needed but anything less than the routing out of the cancer will sink our country from that last “Shining City on the HIll” as described by Ronald Reagan in his farewell address in 1989.

Jesus Christ is King

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