Jesus' Coming Back

Watch The Future Of The Conservative Movement As Speaker Is Jeered And Thrown Out Of The Largest Conservative Political Conference In The USA For Criticizing A Christian Hating Nazi Sympathizer

Courtesy of The Right Scoop:

Conservative columnist Mona Charen called out the hypocrisy on the right over women’s issues, but that was just a warm up for what came next. Then she got really gutsy and called CPAC a “DISGRACE” for having a speaker from the Le Pen family!!

I mean, she’s not wrong, but the crowd clearly didn’t like having it pointed out. We used to be more honest about this stuff, but now it’s just partisan extremism.

This is where we’re at – Mona Charen says Nazis are a disgrace, and she’s booed at CPAC. (source)

Like Mona Charen or not, disagree with her politics or not, it does not matter in this case because this is an issue of principle. This is where we are at in 2018- where to be a “good American conservative” is to support a Nazi sympathizer at the largest conservative political gathering in the USA that we at are not only well aware of, but who has promised to ban Christianity along with Islam and then attack those who would raise the issue.

We warned this was coming. We said that national socialism is returning, and that the conservative movement is being replaced by the pagan ethnonationalism of the old world and all its evils now in an American context.

When we said it was coming, people attacked They called us “fake news,” “liars,” and a torrent of other names. We just presented our proofs and kept to our message.

You are witnessing what we warned would happen before your very eyes.

This is history as it happens.

We told you so.

Jesus Christ is King

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