Parkland Shooting Survivor Calls on Broward County, FL Sheriff Scott Israel to Resign

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv called on Broward County, FL, Sheriff Scott Israel to resign over his department’s actions leading up to and during the Parkland school shooting.
Kashuv said, “That is definitely where the conversation should be. And it’s absolutely outrageous to me that at the CNN town hall, we had the sheriff, who was virtue signaling against the NRA and against guns when he didn’t act properly. The armed officer at our school waited outside with the sheriff and his men for four minutes while my classmates died while he sat outside and waited. Then he turns around and says guns are the issue when he failed to act properly.”
He added, “He absolutely needs to resign. He failed to act on so many different levels. And he himself is responsible for this massive failure. This could have been stopped by the FBI, and the sheriff’s department had they acted.”
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